Friday, January 4, 2008

Sharpton...Jackson..and Obama

I was just half listening to Al Sharpton on MSNBC (which really is the only way to listen to him) and he still will not endorse Barack Obama.

Neither him or Jesse Jackson have come out and fully supported Obama yet and that says a lot about them. Obama has not played the victim card, that unfortunately has been a tactic of Jackson and Sharpton for too long. Obama is the first viable African American candidate to run for the Presidency, and yet they have yet to back him. It is just crazy to me, but it honestly makes me like Obama more. His speech last night was inspirational - no matter what ethnicity you are.

...I was just about to end this blog, but must vent on a couple more things that were just on TV.

>> Romney is now using the 'Change' theme in New Hampshire since that is what won in Iowa. This guy really will say anything to get elected. He is shameless.
>> Edwards - Keeps saying that he and Obama won last night. The two 'change' candidates. Well, Obama beat you by 8% points, that is a pretty hefty margin. In the past I have not minded Edwards, but he is really starting to get on my nerves. He keeps crying that everyone outspent him in Iowa and that is what he didn't win. Well, he has spent the last 5 years campaigning in Iowa and still lost. Iowa is 94% white and they chose Obama. The spin really is incredible.


HamsterB said...

Well I know this is probably going to be upsetting to you because you are now part of the "Change" Party, however stealing poppular ideas isn't new. You do know why there are really only Democrats and Republicans? Because every time a new 3rd party comes up with a good idea, either the Democrats or Republicans steal it, then with their influence and money make the 3rd party disappear.

Mitch said...

True - I guess it is just funny that these are not third party candidates, rather established ones.

Hillary has the money, influence and political machine, but is fighting that likeability factor more and more. She has embraced 'change' since if she doesn't she is still the same Hillary with a 50% negative rating.

Romney just kills me - it is almost humorous now. The man will really say anything to get elected. I actually miss Kucinich in the debates....he always made me laugh.

HamsterB said...

Yeah well Obama is actually a 3rd Party who was smart enough to run under an established party. The point is, stealing popular ideas is nothing new in politics.

I like where Hillary said in the debate that it "hurt her feelings" when people said she was unlikable. When has she ever been concerned with anyone's feelings. I almost can't watch her talk anymore.