I shall begin a mini rant now. The way America is just accepting mediocrity is starting to alarm me. In the name of increasing participation people have decided to just make up their own rules.

I was talking to my high school English teacher and he was telling me about how he couldn't wait to retire because school had become a joke. When I was a senior we had a mandatory Research Paper class. We had to write five(5) term papers by researching periodicals in the library and then crediting those references in a bibliography.
Apparently over the last couple of years nobody was doing the assignments. Please note: These kids didn't even have to go to a library. THEY COULD LOOK THIS STUFF UP ON THE INTERNET IN THEIR UNDERWARE IF THEY WANTED TO! -He ended up flunking so many kids that the student's parents rallied the school council to lower it to two(2) term papers which was later reduced to one(1) term paper. A whole year dedicated to writing one term paper. Wow that must be very stressful. Update: Kids are still flunking.
Well the latest is the winner of Ito En Green Tea Haiku contest. They awarded it to someone who didn't even write a Haiku. From the Ito En company, the label features one of their Haiku award winners:
Where's the good ol' haiku 5-7-5 syllable structure? This one is 4-5-5.
According to their website, this is the "New-Style Haiku" where you don't have to bother with the whole 5-7-5 thing or even try to make it 17 syllables. They say this is to encourage as much participation as possible. It encouraged Charles Rodning to save 3 whole syllables, apparently securing his title as the bad-boy of iced tea poetry.
Chuck, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but I reject your new-style haiku. (And since I'm a nice guy too, I still give you the award for Best Brief Sentence About a Teapot.)
I wrote an old-style haiku to express his feelings about the new-style haiku:
New Haiku is bad
Since anyone can now change the rules of anything, I've made a few official changes of my own:
The New-Style Working Out is scratching myself.
The New-Style Jessica Alba has a crush on me.
The New New-Style Haiku is the old haiku.
Contest Winners to be announced next week.
'08 is for change
Even if it stays the same
Go Barack Hussein
Thats for you Mitch
That was sweet. You are in 1st place. LOL
Ohio State sucks
Lost twice in Championship
wish we were so bad
I Remember When
Ohio State Beat us Bad
Fuck em Serves em Right
I love the Big 10
They always help my pool out
They will lose the game
I love the Northwest
Waking up to rain today
I miss Palm Walk in winter
Tempe Girls Are Hot
Billings Girls Are Really Not
Plus it is Cold Here
Haiku is the way
to recieve lots of comments
from us, to your post
Mitch Wanted Us To
Leave Intellectual Posts
We Now Just Haiku
Hillarious And
Intelligent Kangaroo
Male Zebra so Large Crushes
Rivals Embryos
Naturally so
Selected for its Fitness
Understand the theory?
Marriage Dissolved
Girlfriend Told Me To Move Out
Am I Old Haiku?
Boss came in and said
"Better do more work instead,
of Haiku!" I'm dead
Hamsterb, just one more
Haiku to end my day, tell
who the hell are you?
I know Mitch from State
Arizona, Fumbles is
where we sat and drank
Brian Hamilton
In Tempe I Was Hamster
PiKA and You?
This is quite the blog
With Hamilton and agray
Haikuing all day
Phi Delt, Alex Gray
Spring '93, what a time
we had at A State
Mitch's Co-Workers
Mock His Counting on Fingers
Thus He Haiku Less
No Coulter haiku
Marlinga is absent too
No work haiku more
Alex and Hamster
Haiku for work in their beds
Dreaming of A State
I must go to work
But haiku later I will
goodbye for now all
Why Must Mitch Make Fun
He Give Obama Man Rub
If in Bed All Day
Hamster will soon say
I heart Huckabee today
Brokeback here I 'come'
I say Clinton Sweet
With my Head Stuck up Her Seat
You Still See my Feet?
Hamilton - you are going to have a hard time choosing a winner
I think the first one by AGRAY is still the winner. He gets points for taking the first plunge and of course this line:
Go Barack Hussein...
I can not accept
the "can you still see my feet"
comment hard to beat!
I got disqualified. I was proud of that one, but she pointed out Haiku isn't suppose to rhyme. I looked it up, she's right. Apparently I just made what the 'rule makers' call a poem.
She being my assistant Kristi, I read the Clinton one out loud. I don't have split personality disorder.
Limericks are next?
need weeks of council to rid
Haiku from my head
An award for these Haiku
It seems ironic
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