Monday, January 14, 2008

The Case Against Hillary

My mom asked if I was working for the Obama campaign since the majority of the posts here are pro Obama. For the most part that is true. One of my biggest concerns is that Hillary may be the Republicans best shot at holding on to the Presidency.

Now, if there was a Republican candidate that I thought would do a good job, than I would have no problem voting for them...and may do so if it is McCain against Hillary. Over the past couple weeks I think you have seen (as have I) the Clintons in attack mode once Obama won Iowa and her candidacy was no longer guaranteed. What they are doing is just politics as usual, which I am tired of. To be fair Obama has responded in similar ways recently so he is not the exception, albeit many of his responses were to defend himself against Hillary and Bill's attacks.

If Hillary wins the nomination, many of the conservative crazies out there like O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Anne Coulter will have job security for a while longer and all of us will have to listen to them spew their Clinton hatred every day. I think some of the liberal media is hoping for a Giuliani nomination in order to keep them in business. In my opinion, there can be no worse Presidential race for America than one between Hillary and Rudy - the negative attacks will never stop.

The next President is going to have to deal with a very divided country. ALL the candidates talk about reaching across aisles and working together, but I just can't see many Republicans who would be willing to do that with a Clinton Presidency.There is a reason that Democratic Senators and Governors in swing/conservative states are endorsing Obama - they see that the change just might be possible. This is also a big step for most of these politicians since, as we all know, it is easy to endorse the guaranteed winner. But most of these endorsements came after Hillary's win in NH. Endorsements for Obama and Hillary

Interesting Article from Christopher Hitchens, who I think is pretty smart and funny - sometimes.
Case Against Clinton Article


Jon M said...

Looking back, I think the win (a slight win at that) in N.H. was not only important, it was neccessary. Being the white bread state that N.H. is, going into South Carolina with Obama having gone 2 for 2 would have been nearly dooming. As Mitch referenced earlier, with South Carolina having a high Black Population, that should bode well for Obama and he'll gain momentum heading into Nevada.

I think the consensus on Hillary (god that bitch is ugly to look at) is that of which she is too polarizing. You really do love and support her or you are like Hamilton or myself and... well you know the rest. As elections go, if you are a love/hate candidate you better have a heck of a lot of the market share of votes because when it comes down to the voters choosing the Democratic Candidate, I truly believe they will go with someone they can relate with and/or sense to be a true leader of the people. Obama fits both of those, not to mention how motivating and deep his speeches are. He really is a cut out of the ordinary politician and that is refreshing, something I feel the US has not had since perhaps Reagan in the 80's.

Yes, I have had to put up with the Bill Maher's, Jon Stewarts of the world for a long time Mitch so I guess it would be nice for that side of "entertainment" to come to a hault, however I don't think those opinions/shows will ever go away. There is too much draw to negativity in the media, that people will watch when someone bashes someone else in power. More to come...

Mitch said...

Welcome to the blog Marlinga.

I actually can't wait to see the Daily Show if there is a Democratic President. John Stewart started in late 1999, so it has been all Bush since then. In all honesty, the Bush administration has pretty much written the jokes for Stewart over the past 7 years or so.