Saturday, January 12, 2008

HRC and the NV Caucus

OK - I realize Hillary and Bill thought she would waltz into the White House and that damn Obama is throwing a wrench in the whole process, but the speeches and tactics they are using are just ridiculous. I know the Clinton machine is very powerful and their influence wide, but the following story that just came out is just nuts.

Hillary's Strip

Basically, NV uses a caucus system much like Iowa (which Clinton has already blamed for her loss there). Obama received the endorsement of the Culinary union in NV, which has a huge influence in voting. Well, since a few of the caucus locations are located on the strip in Vegas, HRC's campaign (actually the teacher's union who backs HRC) has filed a lawsuit to break up these locations. This would most likely negate the 60,000 culinary worker's endorsement of Obama.

The lawsuit will most likely go through because of some complex mathematical equation that shows that the strip locations will hold to much weight in the overall caucus. OK - that is fine with me if that is how the law reads. However, the locations were announced to all candidates. the DNC, etc last January. Nobody had a problem with the locations until the Culinary workers endorsed Obama. I doubt this lawsuit happens if they had supported HRC.

I feel like Karl Rove is running Clinton' campaign.

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