Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Quick Rant Against Myself

I received an email tonight from my Mom (a Christian Republican). She is a sweet lady and isn't extremely political but is extremely loyal. I think she is a fairly representative example of the Republican Party as it is today. She is an over 65, white, retired, professional, who is very active in her church and is not happy with the direction she believes the moral fabric of this country is headed.

As I said she sent me an email tonight, that probably most of us have previously seen, about Jay Leno urging Americans to focus on the positive. It was a good read and probably needs to be read by more Americans, the problem is Leno never wrote it. Over the past few years I have been repeatedly emailed false information by my senior citizen parents. They have no idea what is and don't really care to find out.

I can recall in the past few months receiving false emails about or by; Nancy Pelosi (and I'm no fan of hers), Barack Obama, Robin Williams, George Carlin and many others. The one common trait of all of the emails, is they come from a Right-wing perspective. I am not sure if it is an epidemic of the Right or just that I have fewer gullible Left-wing friends forwarding to me, but the propaganda machine seems to only strike me from the Right.

I have always considered my self Right-leaning, but this bastardization of the truth is truly turning me off. Could some of my more liberal friends please send me some complete BS stories to level the playing field.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

It is funny, and sad, that you just wrote this post. My father in-law just forwarded me an email (which I think I had seen before) title - Who is Barack Obama Really? It is the one that says he is a Muslim, used the Koran when he got sworn into Congress, etc.

Now my father in-law is far from a Republican. He was sent this by some other realtor - who he really doesn't know. That is what makes it crazy. How can you just send out this propaganda to people you don't event know?!

From the left's perspective, I offer this. I think when you look at the breakdown of blue/red in the voting, and not just states, but actual county breakdowns, most of the blue is on the coasts - NY, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, DC, Boston, etc.

I have no facts to back this theory up (so I am going into GOP mode) but I would venture to guess that internet, blog and wifi usage is highest in these areas.

People in the middle of the country who always vote Republican, while they have internet access, use it only to check email and therefore believe everything that is forwarded to them. I am basically saying that you and Hamilton (not Marlinga since he still forwards on all the crap :)) are the exception to the GOP rule, and probably a reason why you both are open to a candidate like Obama.