Thursday, January 31, 2008

John McCain's Platform

As told by Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And Then There Were Four...

Romney vs. McCain
Clinton vs. Obama

Where is everyone leaning right now if these are your four choices?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jon Stewart on the SC Primary

Good 2008 Primary Campaign Site

If you just want raw numbers easy to read for the layman, this is a pretty good site.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Know Hope - Obama Wins South Carolina

55-27 - That was the margin of victory of Obama over Hillary in South Carolina. There are a lot of good reaction pieces, and here are some of them:

Conservative/Republican Reaction:
I've Never Voted Democrat...But
Rich Lowery Reaction
Peter Wehner
The Obama Temptation
Andrew Sullivan

Democrat/Liberal Reaction:
Caroline Kennedy Endorses Obama - A President Like My Father
Sen. Ted Kennedy endorses Obama - Ted Kennedy Endorsement
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius Endorses Obama -KS Governor Endorsement
Highest Ranking Latino Dem Endorsing Obama - Becerra For Obama

Obama's Victory Speech in South Carolina:

Obama's Victory Speech in Iowa:

I see a change in politics with Barack Obama. The Clintons are trying to pull him into the fight and label him the black candidate - it is not working. He pulled in just as many white voters in South Carolina as Hillary Clinton and his total number of votes (290,000) was bigger than McCain and Huckabee, the top two Republicans in South Carolina (250,000).....combined.

Know Hope

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Maybe my future wife?

Dana Jacobson, host of ESPN2's morning show "First Take", was suspended because she got hammered at the celebrity roast for Mike and Mike on Jan. 11. Apparently she went to the podium drinking directly from a bottle of vodka and decided to go after Mike Golic's alma mater, Notre Dame.

This is what happens when people that aren't paid to be comedians are asked to "roast" a peer, they get nervous, get drunk, and say something that isn't that funny. In Jacobson's case, it was the following witty gem. "F*#% Notre Dame, F*#% Touchdown Jesus." She was suspended a week and is under fire from the Catholic league (there is some controversy as to whether or not she said "f#%* Jesus"). While I do not agree with how she phrased it, I have to admit, I agree 100% with her sentiments toward ND.

Here is a quote from the reporter in attendance that first wrote about her outburst:

"She was out of control," Cronick said. "When she started slugging vodka straight from the bottle, the whole crowd just groaned. Most people in the audience, including me, felt bad for (Notre Dame head coach) Charlie Weis, because he was sitting right next to the podium and she was just going off on him and Notre Dame. They got her off the stage once, but she somehow found her way back to the stage and just dug her hole deeper."

Photo from Icon Sports Media

Friday, January 25, 2008

Money Can't Buy You Love

But you can't tell me that woman were falling for this guy's looks.
Corporate Cassanova

Huckabee Compares WMDs to Easter Eggs


The Great Easter Egg Hunt

Hitler - Die Hard Cowboys Fan

Pretty Funny

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Does the Paparazzi go too far?

In this case I might argue they don't go far enough. I mean if you really are going to violate Jessica Alba's privacy so blatantly why not go the whole ten yards and hide in her shower to get the nude shot. How is this not against the law????

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bill's Peace Offering

The following really is classic.
Kingstree, S.C. -- Speaking to a crowd at the Williamsburg County Recreation Center, Bill Clinton just now offered an olive branch:

“If [Barack Obama] wins this nomination, I’m going to do what I can to help him become president.”

The promise comes after a week of bitter exchanges between the former president and the Obama campaign. "After all the mean things they said about me, I can’t believe I’m saying this," Clinton said.

Harden may miss Washington Game

This could be a big blow if he can't play tomorrow, especially in the on-going feud at the Daugherty household. I could see a 5-6 game losing streak if we can't win at home against UofW.

Harden Hurtin

Apparently it goes both ways

In the interest of fairness. I just read a story from CNN about Bill Clinton "lashing out at a reporter." The item was titled, "Bill Clinton gets angry with reporter." It appears, it is the press that has gotten extremely thin skinned in this whole deal. If someone takes offense or disagrees with a question they are enraged and hostile. The press is placing themselves into these stories and writing these pieces to continue stirring the pot. We will never hear the truth as long as it is filtered through our current media.

Same Old Media

I hope the Mainstream Media hasn't already picked their candidate because the way ABC reported this does seem awfully biased. It was accurately quoted but manipulated by the ABC News report to make it look as though Clinton is getting to Obama. Follow the link to see the report and the actual exchange between Obama and a reporter.

Does Obama look rattled to you?

Making Fun of Crazy People...always a crowd pleaser

Jerry O'Connell doing a great Tom Cruise

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mitt Romney - Street Cred!

Bill Clinton and the 2008 Election

As a Democrat, I liked a lot of the things Bill Clinton did in the 90's. However, over the past few weeks his actions on behalf of his wife's presidential ambitions (or maybe his)have been quite disturbing. This is a great article by Eugene Robinson from the Wash. Post. I have always liked his analysis and couldn't agree more with this one.

Robinson on Bill

Is Edwards looking for another shot at VP

This isn't what I like to see. I really thought Edwards would align with Obama because I thought they both felt Hillary is the epitome of what is wrong with the current political climate but it is beginning to look more and more like politics as usual. Hillary is loading up on delegates and while I think she loses South Carolina, it looks like she has a firm grip on quite a few of the major states in play. I still think she is a bad candidate in the national election and the wrong direction for our country.

The secret meet

Monday, January 21, 2008

New B-Ball Poll

We are just outside of the poll after losing to Stanford. That is understandable. What I don't understand is how Xavier is still ranked ahead of us after losing to Temple and us by 15+ points.
Jan. 21st Rankings

Sunday, January 20, 2008

ASU Football Recruiting - Update

27 recruits - #12 nationally
Football Recruits

Friday, January 18, 2008

ASU B-Ball - 4-0 in the Pac

Big win last night on the road in Berkley

Harden - 27 points, Pendergraph 26 points and Abbott 25 points
Devils over Bears
...don't know what is more satisfying, us tied for 1st in the Pac or UofA in 8th
ASU in the Power Rankings - crazy

Dick Vitale on the Devils

Obama - Using Humor to Battle Hillary

Pretty funny - Obama In Vegas

Thursday, January 17, 2008

GDP Map of the US

Here is an interesting map that shows the US and compares states' GDPs with those of countries around the world.

Huckabee and the Constitution

Wow...about all I can say to this:
At a Michigan campaign event last night, Mike Huckabee gave an interesting reason for why he wants to amend the Constitution to ban both abortion and gay marriage: Otherwise, the Constitution would be in conflict with God.

Huckabee first observed that some of his opponents don't want to amend the Constitution on both of these topics. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God," Huckabee said. "And that's what we need to do, is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards."

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Endorses Obama

Hillary keeps throwing out the experience card against Obama, and yet the older/experienced Senators keep endorsing Obama. Here are some quotes from Leahy:

"We need a president who can reintroduce America to the world, and reintroduce America to ourselves," Leahy said, later adding, "Barack Obama represents the America we once were and want to be again."

Leahy likened his support of Obama to the 1968 presidential campaign, when as a young prosecutor he endorsed Robert Kennedy over Hubert Humphrey. "He was bringing us a sense of hope, bringing us together," Leahy said. "I know those are intangibles, but it encouraged me to go against the establishment in my own state, and go with Bobby Kennedy."

I know most of the electorate does not spend much time looking at blogs or analyzing what endorsements like this mean, but if they did, I think Hillary would be in even more trouble.

Here is a Senator who has spent 3 decades in the Senate. You have to, no matter who you are, wonder why he would endorse Obama over Hillary. If Obama was not experienced enough to be President, these endorsements would not be happening.

Hillary vs. Uncommitted

Due to Michigan moving its primary up without the OK of the DNC, only Hillary was on the ballot - Obama and Edwards were not.

There was a big push to vote 'uncommitted' instead of for Hillary as a sign of support for Obama/Edwards/Kucinich. Well, I have to admit, these are some pretty interesting numbers.

Clinton split the male vote with Mr. Uncommitted;

Clinton lost the black vote overwhelmingly to Mr. Uncommitted;

Clinton lost the under-30-years-old vote to Mr. Uncommitted;

And Clinton lost independents to Mr. Uncommitted.

Hillary did 'win' by 15 points, but wow, that is a lot of people who won't vote for her and does not bode well from a national standpoint.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tom Cruise - Mission Crazy

Enjoy this video in all its glory:

Cruise Indoctrination Video

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Case Against Hillary

My mom asked if I was working for the Obama campaign since the majority of the posts here are pro Obama. For the most part that is true. One of my biggest concerns is that Hillary may be the Republicans best shot at holding on to the Presidency.

Now, if there was a Republican candidate that I thought would do a good job, than I would have no problem voting for them...and may do so if it is McCain against Hillary. Over the past couple weeks I think you have seen (as have I) the Clintons in attack mode once Obama won Iowa and her candidacy was no longer guaranteed. What they are doing is just politics as usual, which I am tired of. To be fair Obama has responded in similar ways recently so he is not the exception, albeit many of his responses were to defend himself against Hillary and Bill's attacks.

If Hillary wins the nomination, many of the conservative crazies out there like O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Anne Coulter will have job security for a while longer and all of us will have to listen to them spew their Clinton hatred every day. I think some of the liberal media is hoping for a Giuliani nomination in order to keep them in business. In my opinion, there can be no worse Presidential race for America than one between Hillary and Rudy - the negative attacks will never stop.

The next President is going to have to deal with a very divided country. ALL the candidates talk about reaching across aisles and working together, but I just can't see many Republicans who would be willing to do that with a Clinton Presidency.There is a reason that Democratic Senators and Governors in swing/conservative states are endorsing Obama - they see that the change just might be possible. This is also a big step for most of these politicians since, as we all know, it is easy to endorse the guaranteed winner. But most of these endorsements came after Hillary's win in NH. Endorsements for Obama and Hillary

Interesting Article from Christopher Hitchens, who I think is pretty smart and funny - sometimes.
Case Against Clinton Article

ASU Football Recruiting

Well, Erickson's staff is pulling them in. We have moved up the national rankings on to the #15 recruiting class. We just received verbal commits from 3 players out of Corona, CA - one Ryan Bass - is supposed to be a great running back.

2008 Recruiting Class

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Open Mount Insert Foot Part II

After Hillary said that no woman is illegal, she continued her pandering to the latino community:

Clinton said unscrupulous lending leads to bad mortgages, which lead to foreclosures, which lead to people with nowhere to go and vacant neighborhoods that can go rapidly downhill.

"We treat these problems as if one is guacamole and one is chips, when ... they both go together," she said.

...yes, I'm sure that analogy really helped to define the problem. Pathetic

Open mouth insert foot HRC

I love what happens when Hillary speaks off the cuff. While campaigning in Nevada, when a man yelled out, "my wife is illegal." Hillary responded with this gem,

"No woman is Illegal"

Obviously it was meant to appeal to the demographic she was speaking to, but file that line away. I'm sure the Republicans will hammer her to death on immigration if she wins the nomination and we will all be hearing that line many times.

HRC and the NV Caucus

OK - I realize Hillary and Bill thought she would waltz into the White House and that damn Obama is throwing a wrench in the whole process, but the speeches and tactics they are using are just ridiculous. I know the Clinton machine is very powerful and their influence wide, but the following story that just came out is just nuts.

Hillary's Strip

Basically, NV uses a caucus system much like Iowa (which Clinton has already blamed for her loss there). Obama received the endorsement of the Culinary union in NV, which has a huge influence in voting. Well, since a few of the caucus locations are located on the strip in Vegas, HRC's campaign (actually the teacher's union who backs HRC) has filed a lawsuit to break up these locations. This would most likely negate the 60,000 culinary worker's endorsement of Obama.

The lawsuit will most likely go through because of some complex mathematical equation that shows that the strip locations will hold to much weight in the overall caucus. OK - that is fine with me if that is how the law reads. However, the locations were announced to all candidates. the DNC, etc last January. Nobody had a problem with the locations until the Culinary workers endorsed Obama. I doubt this lawsuit happens if they had supported HRC.

I feel like Karl Rove is running Clinton' campaign.

Friday, January 11, 2008

An Op/Ed by Jimmy Carter

As posted in the Onion, which has some classic postings. This is pretty funny.
Carter Goes Off

The Electoral Compass

Here is a fun little exercise - let's see where we all stand. I am closest to Obama - Social Liberalism and Progressive...I know, shocking. I am furthest away from Fred Thompson.

Electoral Compass

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Quick Rant Against Myself

I received an email tonight from my Mom (a Christian Republican). She is a sweet lady and isn't extremely political but is extremely loyal. I think she is a fairly representative example of the Republican Party as it is today. She is an over 65, white, retired, professional, who is very active in her church and is not happy with the direction she believes the moral fabric of this country is headed.

As I said she sent me an email tonight, that probably most of us have previously seen, about Jay Leno urging Americans to focus on the positive. It was a good read and probably needs to be read by more Americans, the problem is Leno never wrote it. Over the past few years I have been repeatedly emailed false information by my senior citizen parents. They have no idea what is and don't really care to find out.

I can recall in the past few months receiving false emails about or by; Nancy Pelosi (and I'm no fan of hers), Barack Obama, Robin Williams, George Carlin and many others. The one common trait of all of the emails, is they come from a Right-wing perspective. I am not sure if it is an epidemic of the Right or just that I have fewer gullible Left-wing friends forwarding to me, but the propaganda machine seems to only strike me from the Right.

I have always considered my self Right-leaning, but this bastardization of the truth is truly turning me off. Could some of my more liberal friends please send me some complete BS stories to level the playing field.

The Daily Show is Back

I love that he is back on. I watched last night and it was classic. The comment about Larry King, the Obama graphic and then him ripping Chris Matthews about his Lawrence of Arabia anology were great.Enjoy this 7 minutes of political reality.

Big Head Todd

I know a lot of us listened to them - and still do. Here is a link to download, for free, their new album.

All The Love You Need

Political Correctness

The following is the 2007 winning entry from an annual contest at Texas A&M University calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

This year's term: Political Correctness.

"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

Now They are Left Wondering...

when does softball season start?

Great job ASU! After an absolute terrible first half, Wells Fargo was going crazy after this overtime victory vs. au. Suck on that mildcats!

Sorry about the picture quality

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Smart as a Wolverine

Clinton camp has no dummies. They knew exactly what the were doing with the crying and the "...because it's hard to do my hair and keep up with the campaign responsibilites." Throw in a, "It hurts my feelings when people don't like me", etc.

According to some post-ballot polls it looks like the tears turned a few female voters from Obama to Hillary. I again must say this is why (1) Women shouldn't be president (2) Women shouldn't vote.

I'd say smart as a Fox but the Wolverine is the most dangerous and fierce animal on the planet, pound-for-pound. Seemed more appropriate.

Am I Stupid

Trying to pay attention to the NH primary last night and all I can say CRAP. I understand that I don't know everything, especially when it comes to the political process, but how come this was never explained last night. What the F
Super delegates? With all their talk of how Obama had a two digit lead. Only to follow it up with the ridiculous "Come-back Kid" label for Hillary. Never did I hear any mention of super delegates or splitting the electorate. Its enough to make me crawl back in my hole. Does the MSM really try to keep us uneducated about the whole process?

Seacrest Out

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama's Other Work

The campaign schedules are obviously incredibly taxing. But behind the scenes, Obama has been making calls and trying to help calm the situation in Kenya (where is dad is from and grandmother still lives). You do not hear about this in the round the clock news about the primaries, but it is good to know that he is reaching out to Secretary Rice to do what he can to help. He is not the President and can't make policy decisions, but hopefully his recent political success will carry some weight and allow is thoughts to be heard by the ruling party in Kenya - Obama and Kenya

Monday, January 7, 2008

Celebrity match-up

Obama has the big "O"... Huckelberry has Jesus... What are the others to do?

Quaker Oats

This Modern World

Cartoon To Check Out

It seems Salon wishes to sell you somthing when you link to the cartoon. If you have the time and want to check out, skip add in upper right and click on comics on left. F'n Salon


I know a lot of us are dealing with an Arizona State education but we aren't talking advanced American Lit here. Please feel free to Post, or leave on a comment, a Haiku that you have made up. I will have a little contest award winner. Actual Haiku format please. Subject is wide open. (This will make more sense at the end.)

I shall begin a mini rant now. The way America is just accepting mediocrity is starting to alarm me. In the name of increasing participation people have decided to just make up their own rules.

I have written in the past about how "Everyone Gets a Trophy" drives me nuts. That is the farthest thing from real life you can get. Unless you are going to get a job in government, nobody rewards you just for showing up. When we were kids if you got last place it embarrassed you. You had two choices at that point (1) Practice and get better -or- (2) Get used to being embarrassed in public. However, after you dedicated a little time and got better you realized a couple of things; (A) Hardwork pays off -and- (B) Not giving up builds character.

I was talking to my high school English teacher and he was telling me about how he couldn't wait to retire because school had become a joke. When I was a senior we had a mandatory Research Paper class. We had to write five(5) term papers by researching periodicals in the library and then crediting those references in a bibliography.

Apparently over the last couple of years nobody was doing the assignments. Please note: These kids didn't even have to go to a library. THEY COULD LOOK THIS STUFF UP ON THE INTERNET IN THEIR UNDERWARE IF THEY WANTED TO! -He ended up flunking so many kids that the student's parents rallied the school council to lower it to two(2) term papers which was later reduced to one(1) term paper. A whole year dedicated to writing one term paper. Wow that must be very stressful. Update: Kids are still flunking.

Well the latest is the winner of Ito En Green Tea Haiku contest. They awarded it to someone who didn't even write a Haiku. From the Ito En company, the label features one of their Haiku award winners:

Where's the good ol' haiku 5-7-5 syllable structure? This one is 4-5-5.
According to their website, this is the "New-Style Haiku" where you don't have to bother with the whole 5-7-5 thing or even try to make it 17 syllables. They say this is to encourage as much participation as possible. It encouraged Charles Rodning to save 3 whole syllables, apparently securing his title as the bad-boy of iced tea poetry.

Chuck, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but I reject your new-style haiku. (And since I'm a nice guy too, I still give you the award for Best Brief Sentence About a Teapot.)

I wrote an old-style haiku to express his feelings about the new-style haiku:

New Haiku is bad
Changing things can make them worse
Like Tara Reid's boobs
Now that's some good haikuing!!

Since anyone can now change the rules of anything, I've made a few official changes of my own:

The New-Style Working Out is scratching myself.

The New-Style Jessica Alba has a crush on me.

The New New-Style Haiku is the old haiku.

Contest Winners to be announced next week.

Hillary Fights Back Tears

Crying? You are crying? There is no crying in politics.
The Tracks of My Tears

And I think Bill has 'jumped the shark' with this comment - Hillary Tougher Than Mandela

Hillary is breaking down and Bill is trying to pull out all the stops to keep her in the race. Could this be the end of the Clinton era? He has done a lot for the Democratic Party and at a certain point I think he just needs to be careful what he is saying because if Obama does happen to win the nomination, a lot of these statements are going to come back to haunt him. I'm sure that makes some of the GOP readers of this blog very happy.

Obama's Future

I know Mitch has posted about the convenient slip ups used, in the past, regarding the Illinois Senator's name. If Barack is able to hold off Hillary and represent the Democratic Party in the general election, there is no telling how far people will go. Check this out from Bob Cesca's Goddamn Awesome Blog

Bob Cesca

Mitch I know you sent an email about Links, have zero idea what you're talking about.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Putin Doesn't Have a Soul

Way to go Hillary - Hillary's Gaff

I guess you want to bypass putting America back into the 90's and throw us back into the Cold War. You would think she would be smarter than this when it comes to talking about international leaders. They would jump all over Obama if he was the one who said this, so it will be interesting to see what he does with it.

She is definitely no Bill on the campaign trail.

On The ASU Front

Our recruiting class seems to be very strong this year. Not surprising given the 10-3 year and Erickson's staff.

Top Receiver Commits
Full Commit List

** Update - Gerrell Robinson, the above recruit, was down to 3 schools - Notre Dame, ASU and Oregon. He made his announcement on NBC after the US Army all star game. If you saw the interview and heard the announcers, you could tell they were very disappointed. They thought for sure that they could prop up their home team Notre Dame (sorry Hamilton) and when he put on the ASU hat it was pure shock. Robinson Video

We did lose our DB coach - Simmons to Cal

We are off to our first 2-0 PAC 10 start in 20 years....which is great, but also kind of sad. A lot of the success is a direct result of James Harden - our 17 year old Freshman sensation.
Harden Article

All in all there is a lot to be excited about with ASU sports.

Seems Easier Than Bladder Buster Nights

I'm saying one of us, or at least someone we know could have beat this guy - Couch Potato Contest

I think if you did this over the first weekend of March Madness it would be easy to sit and kill time for at least 2 days.

The French Way

You have to give the President of France some props - Sarkozy's New Wife

Atlantis in Moscow

I just ran across this story and it seems absolutely ridiculous. A New Moscow

Moscow's elite are rolling in the money that comes from their petroleum fields. They are basically going to live in this 'magical' world in the middle of the cold and bleak city of Moscow.

I guess I can't blame them. Maybe with global warming, Moscow will be the new destination for those escaping the brutal heat in the tropics and then they will be able to make a mint on selling these apartments.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Tips on Pumping Gas

My Pops sent this along to me and I thought it was worth sharing. I don't know about everyone else but I'm paying $3.15 a gallon these days for the cheap stuff and figured every little bit helps. Here is the email:

Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose , CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period through the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.

Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is, the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up--most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Then there is also my own personal method for saving...DRIVE LESS.

I look forward to a day when we lose our dependence on oil and find a viable alternative fuel, but until that day I hope this helps.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Sharpton...Jackson..and Obama

I was just half listening to Al Sharpton on MSNBC (which really is the only way to listen to him) and he still will not endorse Barack Obama.

Neither him or Jesse Jackson have come out and fully supported Obama yet and that says a lot about them. Obama has not played the victim card, that unfortunately has been a tactic of Jackson and Sharpton for too long. Obama is the first viable African American candidate to run for the Presidency, and yet they have yet to back him. It is just crazy to me, but it honestly makes me like Obama more. His speech last night was inspirational - no matter what ethnicity you are.

...I was just about to end this blog, but must vent on a couple more things that were just on TV.

>> Romney is now using the 'Change' theme in New Hampshire since that is what won in Iowa. This guy really will say anything to get elected. He is shameless.
>> Edwards - Keeps saying that he and Obama won last night. The two 'change' candidates. Well, Obama beat you by 8% points, that is a pretty hefty margin. In the past I have not minded Edwards, but he is really starting to get on my nerves. He keeps crying that everyone outspent him in Iowa and that is what he didn't win. Well, he has spent the last 5 years campaigning in Iowa and still lost. Iowa is 94% white and they chose Obama. The spin really is incredible.

Domino's Pizza Online Test

I don't know if any of you have seen the new ads for Domino's Pizza that let you order your pizza online. After leaving ASU I swore I would never eat another pizza, but more specifically, another Domino's Pizza. However like most hatred, it fades over time, & you get lazy.

So regardless of your feelings about Domino's, the fact that you can order it online without having to talk to a human being is fantastic.

Type a little on your computer and magically a pizza shows up at your door. It's the closest thing we have to Star Trek's food synthesizer. Only it takes about 25 minutes to work. And the food delivery unit at my Domino's has a bad mustache.

But I also love the amount of control they give you. Beyond choosing your crust, each topping comes with your choice of "light," "normal," or "heavy." --Until I thought about what other product I had been given those choices. I'm sure none of you poor saps have ever been sent out on that errand. Gross, ok forget I said that.

But what I've become obsessed with is that when you only want a particular topping on half of your pizza, they make you specify WHICH HALF. LEFT or RIGHT.

I had ordered from them a few times but never paid attention to see if they got the halves correct. I was curious to see if it really would arrive the way I ordered it.

Last night I performed a test.

I placed my order, requesting PEPPERONI on the LEFT and MUSHROOMS on the RIGHT.
They also offer a "NONE" option on all toppings. It's even available on the "CHEESE" and "SAUCE" rows -- so just to be a dick, I also ordered a 6-inch individual "NONE" pizza with BEEF (on the left).

25 minutes later there was a dude at my door with food. (Someday that dude will be a robot with a bad mustache and my life will be perfect.)

It is flat-out sad how excited I was to open the boxes.

Did the Domino's food synthesizer honor the options I was forced to choose?
NO. Yes it was cut in half, obviously you can see the dividing line was exactly 90 degrees up the middle, BUT my mushrooms were on the left!

I realize it's all arbitrary and the options are presented for clarity, but if they're going to force me to make the choice, then they could at least give me what I wanted and put it in the box correctly.

And as far as the "NONE Pizza with Left Beef"...

It was close, but the whole pizza was so small and light it must have shifted during delivery. And the little beef pellets didn't have any sauce or cheese to hang on to, so a few lost their footing from the left half.
After we ate most of it I saw on the box that my satisfaction was "guaranteed," and that if I wasn't completely satisfied -- they would "make it right" or refund my money.

Unfortunately they told me it was too late for me to call and request that someone come back to my house to rotate the pizzas and re-position my beef pellets.

I will have Mitch write a letter to Obama requesting that the fixing of this issue gets put into the agenda.

Welcome to the Blog!

I figured since there are now multiple bloggers involved in posting, it made more sense to have a more generic name for the blog instead of mitchdmusings (plus I don't want my personal name associated with what might get posted:))

Some of you may have got an invite to blog on this site, and I hope you do. It is really easy to do so and if you have any questions feel free to ask me.
