Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards

Admits today that he had an affair. He knew this, and repeatedly denied it during the primary. Really?? Did you think this would not come out during the general if you were the nominee? The Democrats dodged a bullet with this one.

By the way - you are a real class act Edwards. Your wife is dying of cancer and you are having an affair. Nice....

McCain Article

Interesting, albeit a bit long, piece on McCain from a reporter who has covered him for 20 years.

McCain in AZ

Thursday, August 7, 2008

McCain - Dazed and Confused

Actually somewhat painful to watch. Him waiting for the audience to laugh/clap/etc is the worse.

Affirmative Action

Fascinating take on affirmative action:

"McCain could dismiss W. as a lightweight, but he knows Obama’s smart. Obama wrote his own books, while McCain’s were written by Salter. McCain knows he’s the affirmative action scion of admirals who might not have gotten through Annapolis without being a legacy. Obama didn’t even tell Harvard Law School that he was black on his application."

It was written by Maureen Dowd, so take it for what it is.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today In Iraq

Iraqi government expected to have $79 Billion Dollar Surplus. Why Don't We Leave?

Key Quote:
This report is going to make a lot of American families very angry. The record gas prices they are paying have turned into an economic windfall for Iraq. But the Iraqi government isn’t spending the money on rebuilding. American taxpayers are paying that bill too. This doesn’t make any sense, and the Bush Administration never should have let this happen.
Republicans - You can have Lieberman (and I hope he is your VP pick)

Key Quote:
LIEBERMAN: That’s why Senator Graham and I are introducing a resolution recognizing the strategic success that the surge has achieved in a central front — the central front of the war on terror against the enemies who attacked America on 9/11/01, and expressing our thanks to our troops who’ve made that success possible.

REALLY?!! - Iraq attackd us on 9/11? Crazy..
On a side not Iraq note....Romney better practice his McCain history if he wants to be Veep

WOLF BLITZER: Can you cite one legislative accomplishment that Senator McCain produced during those 26 years in Washington in order to achieve energy independence?
GOVERNOR ROMNEY: Well, I'm not a historian that goes through all of the pieces of legislation John McCain has worked on.

....he just asked for one Mitt

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

and so it continues...

Senator John McCain was talking to Natasha, the 7 year old daughter of Senator Barack Obama and his wife Michele, at a recent debate. Senator McCain asked Natasha what she wanted to be when she grew up and she told him she wanted to be President of the United States some day.

Senator Obama, obviously beaming with pride, winked at Senator McCain.

Senator McCain asked Natasha - "If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?"

Natasha replied - "I would give houses to all the homeless people."

"Wow - what a worthy goal you have there, Natasha." Senator McCain told her.

Senator McCain continued, "Natasha you do know you don't have to wait until you're President to help the homeless. You can come over to Cindy and my house and clean up all the dog poop in my back yard and I will pay you $5 dollars. Then we can go over to that liquor store where those homeless guys hang out, and you can give one of them the $5 dollars to use toward a new house."

Natasha (obviously wise beyond her 7 years) thought that over for a second, while Senator Obama and his wife Michele looked over at Senator McCain seething.

Natasha replied, "Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and clean up the dog poop in your back yard and you can just pay him the $5 dollars?"

"Welcome to the Republican Party young lady", responded Senator McCain.

The Irish's view on American politics


Leave it to the Irish to cut through the crap and make the whole issue crystal clear...

Thoughts from across the pond.

An email from Ireland to the brethren in the States...a point to ponder despite your political affiliation:

"We, in Ireland, can't figure out why people even bothered to hold an election in the United States.

On one side, you had a pants wearing lawyer, married to a lawyer who can't keep his pants on, who just lost a long and heated primary against a lawyer who goes to the wrong church who is married to yet another lawyer who doesn't even like the country her husband wants to run.

Now...On the other side, you have a nice old war hero whose name starts with the appropriate 'Mc' terminology married to a good looking younger woman who owns a beer distributorship.

What in Lord's name are ye lads and lasses thinking over there in the colonies??"

(Sticking with our theme from last week LOL)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Obama up in MT

Actually somewhat surprising to me that he is ahead in MT.
MT Is In Play

I know it is early, but this still can't be good news for McCain. He is going to be forced to spend money in places where the GOP normally doesn't worry about.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How Rich are the McCain's?

I have no problem with people getting rich and running for office. I do have a problem when politicians try and say, "I know what the working families in America need" when the following shows that unless they talk to their house cleaners, they have no idea what is effecting the average American.
* Since 2004, they've spent $11 million on real estate.

* At times, Cindy has charged as much as $500,000 on one credit card and $250,000 on another in a single month. You really have to work hard to charge three quarters of a million dollars in one month. What is she buying, gold-plated Ferraris?

* Though the McCains spent a modest $184,000 on household staff in 2006, in 2007 they spent $273,000. And who can blame them? It's so hard to get good help these days.

* This is my favorite quote, about why they own two condos in the same building in the beachside town of Coronado: "When I bought the first one, my husband, who is not a beach person, said, 'Oh, this is such a waste of money; the kids will never go,'” she told Vogue. “Then it got to the point where they used it so much I couldn't get in the place. So I bought another one.”
Don't you feel like they are just like you and I? I know Obama has money from his book deals, but not this type of money.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Two Corey's

Corey & Corey
by wutwutinthebutt

Keeping with my theme of posting information that is not well researched or thought out...

I bring you a video from "The Two Corey's" (I have no idea what channel is broadcasting but I need to find out ASAP). Feldman and Haim are epic figures in our pop culture history both for their unexplainable popularity in the 80's and their totally predictable flame out since that time.

This may just be Tivo material based on this clip. It appears the mandatory Corey rule still applies, Feldman just wasn't likable without Haim on "Surreal Life."

My Concern with Obama

I haven't been doing a great job of keeping current recently so I figured instead of posting some logical meaningful researched piece of information, I'll just throw a little editorial commentary in to stir the pot.

I consider myself a disenfranchised Republican and am undecided in how I will vote in November. I am disappointed in the direction the Republicans have gone over the past 8-10 years. It is a party that is increasingly pandering to the rich and the extremists. I can't stand the way the leaders have created political issues to drive votes their way and all but ignored addressing the issues that are truly impacting "average" Americans.

All of that being said the fact that Obama has never had an individual meeting with General Petraeus to determine if his plan for Iraq is the best direction for us to go, disturbs me greatly. I am sure he has met with some very good military advisers but to be running with a message that has ending the Iraq war front-and-center without meeting with the people running the war makes little sense to me.

I take it to mean one of two things and neither of them work for me:

1. Obama has predetermined the path he is going to take regardless of the facts at the time he is elected. He is convinced withdrawing is the correct path just as GWB was convinced removing Saddam was the right path and we are looking at a dramatic over correction fraught with just as many potholes in the coming four years.

2. If he intends to be open once he is elected then his promise to end the war is a hollow campaign promise meant to take advantage of the large number of people that the polls show oppose the war.

We are talking about one of the most critical issues of our lifetime and he hasn't met with the people that have the most current and detailed information. It makes me nervous. You???

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Group of High School Girls Make Pregnancy Pact...

Check this out. A group of high school girls decided to all get pregnant together so they could all raise their kids together. Something like 17 pregnancies. One girl couldn't get laid so she had some homeless guy knock her

click the link the below to watch the video

If Obama Wins...

Iraq War for Oil

There is an article out today that says four western oil companies (Shell, Exxon, Total and BP) are about to sign no bid contracts to start extracting oil in Iraq. The no bid contracts are rare in cases of oil extraction/drilling - seems to me that the Iraqis had no choice. The conquerers get the spoils, right?

NY Times Article

I'm not saying that oil was the main reason we invaded Iraq (Bush and the neocons legacy was the main reason), but this looks horrible to the Arab region and many other countries such as China and Russia. Oh well, maybe we can stay at $4/gallon and watch the big oils profits rise even more. Time to buy stock in them!

To quote Bush from 2000:
"What I think the president ought to do [when gas prices spike] is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots…And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price."

How is that working out for you Bush - came into office with $25/barrel prices and now they are around $130/barrel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

McCain - Steals Obama's Logo and Slogan

OK - It is the start of the general election. I would think that McCain would come up with something original to run on....but alas, no. He has come out with the slogan 'A Leader We Can Believe In', which is eerily similar to Obama's 'Change We Can Believe In'. Maybe he is trying to go directly against Obama, but basically copying the slogan seems a bit much.

He also just changed his home page graphics to that of sun rays on the horizon...again, a close take off of Obama's logo. You be the judges.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

The General Election

Well, assuming everything plays out as it looks like it will and it is Obama vs. McCain - what are everybody's thoughts on the match up?

It seems that they have been trading shots this week about the new GI Bill, foreign policy, etc. I think it will be a pretty combative race, at least that is how it is starting out. So let's spend some time breaking down the issues.

The McCain Plan
OK - maybe you can help me here, but there really is not much in terms of detailed policy on that page. It is a very high level look at the education system in general. I assume he supports No Child Left Behind as it is and is very passionate about allowing students to transfer to schools that are achieving higher test scores...I think.

Obama - The Obama Plan
Obama's plan is obviously a lot more detailed, so some key points I like. Again, he will need to define how he will pay for them, but at least he is offering ideas.
* Reform NCLB - I think the lack of funding is one of the biggest problems with NCLB. It has to be addressed. No idea how we will pay for the additional funding, but it was rolled out without thinking long term and now we are forced to deal with it or scrap it all together.
* Afterschool and Summer programs - I think these work great in areas of lower income families. I saw how after school programs worked where I grew up and I think that summer programs to bring students up to speed or give them a head start are nice ideas.
* Teacher Ideas - Coulter, I'm sure Lisa can address some of these ideas better than I can. Would love to hear her thoughts.
* Higher Education - Tax credit and simplified financial aid seem simple enough to me. Don't know about making JC tuition free for most students - seems like that would cost a fortune.

I hope they discuss all these issues as the race continues. I find the lack of any real details on McCain's website interesting.


Quote for the Day

From Hillary Clinton:
My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it."


Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Post

I know I have been neglecting the blog - but fear not, a couple new posts are on the way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Iraq is going great - build an amusement park!

I shit you not. This has to be the most amazing story that is getting NO attention over the past few weeks. They are building a massive amusement park in the green zone. A $1M skate park (shipping 200,000 free skateboards to Iraqi children), rebuilding the zoo, a concert theatre and museum. Seriously??!! Let's give the Iraqis some clean water, maybe consistent electricity, etc before bringing - Its a small world to Baghdad. The groups like Al Qaeda hate the west for living with excesses like amusements parks, so I am sure this will go over real well in the heart of the middle east.

Here is a link to the story on a blog, with multiple links to learn more in the blog posting.
It's a bomb world after all

Here is the original story written about this project - Baghdad Amusement Park

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Images of the Day

These pics were taken of the volcano that is erupting in Chile. These night shots are crazy - More Pics Here

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Meanwhile - In Obama's Spare Time

Crazy that this does not get 'some' publicity......more Reverend Wright!
Obama and Niger Delta Ceasefire

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Hanks Endorsement

Actually pretty good...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Homeless Pike's

I know we are without a home at ASU anymore but it doesn't look like the membership is suffering too badly. I'm sure that was the line here, "I have no home and just need a nice soft place to sleep for the night."

Huge Praise for Harden

Just read the lead for Andy Katz's article on players declaring for the NBA draft and I am surprised at how much Love he gives Harden and ASU. Here is the quote and a link to the Article: Andy Katz Article

Don't sweat it, college hoops fans. Even if every one of the early entrants who filed their paperwork for the NBA draft by Sunday's deadline stays in the draft, next season's potential first team All-Americans are safe.

Forget about the June 16 deadline to withdraw from the NBA draft. The announcements that the following five players are all returning mean that the All-American first team can be penciled in now: forward Tyler Hansbrough (North Carolina), the consensus winner of the national player of the year, forward Blake Griffin (Oklahoma), and guards Darren Collison (UCLA), James Harden (Arizona State) and Stephen Curry (Davidson) .

and Let the Games Begin...

Just got my new 2008 Presidential Package:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obama Defends Kind Words for McCain

One of the main reasons why i Like him:

"I know that conventional, text book politics means that unless you completely demonize the other side then you are showing weakness. I don’t believe that. I think Senator Clinton’s suggesting that she and John McCain are the two people who are qualified to be commander-in-chief is probably something that could end up coming back to haunt us in November.

I think to say that John McCain and some of his instincts may be better than George Bush’s, that’s a low bar. And what I also said in the same breath was that his ideas, what he’s offering are warmed over versions of Bush foreign policy and economic policy. So there’s no contradiction there. You know, but I’ve said repeatedly that I think john McCain is a genuine hero and a decent person. I just think he’s got it wrong in terms of where we need to take the country.:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To Bosnia and Back - Movie Trailer

This is great:

Springsteen for Obama

Money Quote:
Like most of you, I've been following the campaign and I have now seen and heard enough to know where I stand. Senator Obama, in my view, is head and shoulders above the rest.
He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "... nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."

Link - the boss endorsement

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SNL -- Presidential Canidates Grill General Petraeus

This is pretty funny, especially when Obama starts grilling the General at the end on why he doesn't like Hillary or McCain's books.

Stephen Colbert on Larry King

Discussing all the candidates -


She's tenacious. That is what she brings to the fight, an unlikeableness..... She knows that this person, the president, whoever it is, is going to face tough challenges, and she's shown that you could actually lop off her head, arms, and legs and she'll crawl toward you using the muscles in her belly button.


He's an inspiring candidate. And he's got the young people out there just eating out of the palm of his hand. He's passing his hope bong around the drum circle of young America. [His what?] His hope bong, Larry. He's inviting people to take deep tokes off of his bong packed with hope.


He was there for Noah's flood, had to cling on. That's how he got started in the Navy, was clinging on to the side of the Ark. He's old. He's old, Larry. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Not as old as you are but very, very old.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Erickson Spring practice quotes

On the fight that broke out between Jonathan English and Shaun Lauvao:
“Those guys couldn’t hurt each other. Occasionally that bothers me. It wasn’t real vicious. I wish it would be a little more vicious. I thought about making them run afterwards, but give me a fight before I do that. It was like it was almost planned - like 'we gotta do something'. That's about how exciting it was for me. I almost fell asleep."

Asked if Kerry taylor suffered a concussion in practice:
“Oh did he. Did you see that hit? He had a little concussion so he’ll be OK. He was practicing out there in an orange jersey… there was some hitting out there. I see guys wearing orange jerseys out there because of concussions, and I ask ‘who gave it to them?’ I don’t care about the guys (in the orange jersey) (smile); I wanna know who gave them. I want to know who those guys are."

On whether Keegan Herring is feeling better:
“Yes he is. He could have went Saturday and I said ‘why?’ That guy doesn’t have to go. Then I almost got in a fist fight with him and I would have lost that"

Daily Show - Dick Move of the Week

Obama wins the first Dick move of the week.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Video of the Day

The incredible human mind:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Morning Quote

Gen. Petraeus to Senator Dodd yesterday:
"Every Iraqi is allowed an AK-47 in his house, by law."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ASU under Lisa Love

Great article - Love a great hire

..stickers continued

...more Campaign Stickers for 2008

Rice and Obama

There has been talk (most of which I find to not be true) that Condi Rice is gearing up for a VP run. Here is an interesting dialogue between Condi and Obama in 2005. I can agree with some of Rice's statements, but I also fine Obama's reasoning to be more sound. It is good to see his judgement has remained consistent.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spike Lee - Quote of the day

What do you think of Obama?
I’m riding my man Obama. I think he’s a visionary. Actually, Barack told me the first date he took Michelle to was Do the Right Thing. I said, “Thank God I made it. Otherwise you would have taken her to Soul Man. Michelle would have been like, ‘What’s wrong with this brother?’ ”

Does this mean you’re down on the Clintons?
The Clintons, man, they would lie on a stack of Bibles. Snipers? That’s not misspeaking; that’s some pure bulls***. I voted for Clinton twice, but that’s over with. These old black politicians say, “Ooh, Massuh Clinton was good to us, massuh hired a lot of us, massuh was good!” Hoo! Charlie Rangel, David Dinkins—they have to understand this is a new day. People ain’t feelin’ that stuff. It’s like a tide, and the people who get in the way are just gonna get swept out into the ocean.

Spring Scrimmage

So I decided to skip the UCLA/Memphis game, and take i a little ASU football. Good decision considering the outcome of the drumming UCLA took. Anyway, the team looked good, not great but o.k. Some things that stood out;
Dewitty looked fantastic, the line was not blowing anyone off the ball, yet Dewitty ran like a man possessed.
Carpenter was sharp, still staring down receiver.
Magaha dropped a couple, but caught a TD on a beautiful fade route pass Bolden.
Some solid hits by the D, they looked fast and got to the QBs on a few occasions.

Just some notes from a drunk observer.

Will take better notes during the spring game in a couple of weeks

Go Devils!
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Friday, April 4, 2008

Quick News and Notes

ASU Spring Practice Notes - Erickon on the spring workouts
For Coulter - ASU Journalism School Awards
ASU MBA now ranked #22 in Country, only behind Stanford, Berkley, UCLA and USC in the Wst - US NEWS Rankings
Friday Night Lights will be back in the fall - Nice
Big Oregon news, experts find fossilized shit to date earliest humans on continent - Our shit is the oldest!

John McCain's Latest Ad

OK - this ad is just strange to me for many reasons. The first is the headless rock star as a 'hero'. C'mon, is this his appeal to the young voters? The second is the whole honor code story. I know most of us did not go to prep schools with honor codes and the GOP usually goes after those people as the elite. Whatever, the whole add is just odd - thoughts?
Meet the old guy, same as the new guy

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Idiot Quote of the Day

"[Y]ou have to understand the mindset of a lot of these feminists and women. They think they're owed this — just like Obama supporters think they're owed this. These women have paid their dues. They've been married two or three times; they've had two or three abortions; they've done everything that feminism asked them to do. They have cut men out of their lives; they have devoted themselves to causes and careers. And this — the candidacy of Hillary Clinton — is the culmination of all of these women's efforts. And if it gets stolen from them [by] a rookie, radical black guy who can't tell the time of day, they are going to be so miffed," - Rush Limbaugh.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Obama and Edwards on Health Care

This post is interesting. It seems to say that Obama may not be the uniter that he claims if he couldn't get Edwards (John and Elizabeth) to understand his health care policy - thus having them endorse him. I think Edwards is trying to play to big a role in this election. Thoughts?
Health care plan hurts Obama

Side Note - Here is an interesting chart on health care costs - US vs. World Health Care

Friday, March 28, 2008

McCain's First Ad

This blog post does a better job of summarizing the ad than I could -Vote for the American

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hillary on FOX

She really looks annoyed and pissed. Watch this interview - there is NO way she is backing out before the convention.

Jon Stewart Visiting Wounded Soldiers

I guess he has been doing it quietly since 2004. Nice to hear.

Turns out the comedian has been quietly visiting soldiers at Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals, trips he began in 2004 to better understand the Iraq war. "I felt that I was living in a world of theory," he told the audience, "but I hadn't touched the reality and the humanity of it." The first patient he met was "funnier than I was" -- and Stewart's been a regular ever since.

Stewart told the Post, "I certainly get a lot more out of it than they do...If anything, it's made me angrier... You can be for the war, against the war, but you can't be uninformed about it. To see the human cost is part of the equation."

Spitzer's Call-Girl Resigns

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Iraq War on PBS

These are both fairly long, but very fascinating documentaries about the Iraq War. They focus a lot on how we ended up going to war in Iraq. It is hard for me to even say the Iraq War anymore because that implies we are at war with Iraq, when actually we went in to take out Saddam, who was part of the Sunni minority.
Bush's War - Movie Link
Buying the War (this one is very interesting) - Movie link

"Hillary" the movie

Don't know how may of you have watched this on YouTube but it is interesting. I know most of the people that appear in the movie have an axe to grind, but even if it is only partially true it is interesting. Just a warning though, there are 9 parts to this and each is 10 minutes so it can suck you in. I am attaching part 1 that is mainly an intro.

Since I was drunk during most of the Clinton Presidency alot of this was new to me. You guys may have been more sober than me at the time but I doubt it.

The Tonya Harding Option

Here is the best article yet on how low Clinton will go to get power. Too long to summarize - Clinton and the Right Wing Conspiracy

And some other choice articles:
The Tonya Harding Option - A real uniter
Hillary has started to throw the 'Tonya Harding' option at Obama.
Niall O'Dowd Compares Rev. Wright to David Duke on Irish radio - Clinton Finance Committee Member Enters the Fray
The Clinton campaign is peddling an smear article that states one of Obama's advisors is an anti-semite - American prospect article
Clinton plans to go after the pledged delegates now - I will win damn it!
Clinton - This race will last 3 more months - WooHoo!

My sentiments exactly

I lifted this take on the Tuzla issue from a very conservative blog. It sums up my feeling on the situation better than I could so I thought I'd re post it.

The meltdown over her credibility has fogged the actual argument in which Hillary used Tuzla, which was that she was so good at foreign policy that her husband’s administration would send her instead of the diplomats, especially if it was too dangerous for the President to visit personally.

Unfortnately for Hillary, she still hasn’t come up with an actual example. She told the Inquirer editors that she visited 80 countries, but that doesn’t mean she conducted any heavy foreign-policy duties on those trips. First Ladies travel abroad frequently, with and without their presidential husbands, but that doesn’t constitute the kind of experience that Hillary demands we infer from her journeys. In all of the cases we have seen, she conducted the kind of ceremonial duties that First Ladies always do, not hard-charging diplomatic initiatives that would demonstrate better experience than Barack Obama or John McCain, especially the latter.

And now the admission that she misrepresented the Tuzla trip in both danger and importance undermines what little credibility she had left after insisting that she should receive credit for all of the foreign-policy initiatives during her husband’s administration. Without experience or credibility, just what can she offer?

The whole Article can be found HERE.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Short and Sweet

Clinton bring up the Pastor Wright story against Obama (cheap) - Desperate Times call for desperate measures
Huge ice shelf on verge of collapse - Global Warming's Impact
Violence is on the rise in Iraq - al Sadr ends peace
Food Prices are rising all over the world - First gas, now food
A-Rod pursued Canseco's wife?? - The Canseco story

Latest 'Obama Girl' Video

Here you go Mitch --

Save Your Corn Flakes

They could be worth $1350 - Illinois Corn Flake

Carville missed on this one

I read Carville's remarks comparing Bill Richardson to Judas and have to wonder if he is the one who is secretly working for Obama. Richardson's endorsement was interesting but I think the majority didn't see it as that big of deal. It would have run the news cycle and been forgotten unless you were in New Mexico. Carville's decision to compare him to one of the worst people in the world's history now gives the story legs and it stays in the headlines for a few more days.

Without Carville's remarks Richardson doesn't garner the amount of face time with the national media that he is getting. It will also be interesting to see long term if this is a case of typical politics by Obama. If he chooses Richardson as a running mate, it will be pretty transparent what type of backroom deal was struck. You have to wonder if Richardson invited Bill Clinton to his Super Bowl party in order to give the Clinton's the same opportunity to buy his endorsement with some type of deal.

Here is Richardson getting some face time on MSNBC to explain his position and answer the Judas comparison. It is a long clip but I think the best line comes from Chris Mathews at the end when he says, we need to stop looking at this through the eyes of the Clintons, like we have done for the past 20 years and look at it in terms of what it means to us.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Obama's Foreign Policy Doctrine

This is a long read, but a great look at Obama's foreign policy doctrine.
The Obama Doctrine

Key Quote:
"The Obama foreign-affairs brain trust balks at the suggestion that what it's proposing is radical. "He said we'd take out al-Qaeda's senior leadership in the Pakistani tribal areas if Pakistan will not. That's not, to me, a revolutionary policy," Rhodes says. "Watching him get attacked on the right is absurd. You've got guys who argued for a massive invasion and occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 criticizing him for advocating the use of highly targeted force to kill Osama bin Laden!""

Hillary in Tuzla


Saturday, March 22, 2008

National Review Online OP-Ed

This is one of the most Conservative websites out there. I think this is a nice op-ed about Obama. I realize there are too many differences to allow a lot of Conservatives to vote for him, as you will see at the bottom, but they do respect him which bodes well for reaching across party lines.
NRO Article

Update - One of Romney's legal advisors endorses Obama - Kmiec for Obama

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Raining McCain

Cheers to Chris Wallace of FOX News

That is not a misprint. He actually stands up for Obama and the relentless coverage over the most recent Obama statement. Watch this video.

Obama in Portland

I went to the Obama event here in Portland today. It was a great atmosphere as Bill Richardson endorsed Obama at the event. My guess was there were 12-14K people at the Coliseum. Here are some pics.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Erickson - Nice Gesture

Lisa Love bought 200 tix to Tuesday's NIT game and Erickson did it for this game. It is nice to see the entire athletic program coming together and supporting one another.
Football Supports Basketball

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vegas Baby

I figured we were getting a little too serious and might actually have an opportunity for some intelligent discussion and I didn't want to let that happen. Why start that now after we've been able to avoid it the past 16 years?

Just got back from Vegas (I left Vegas Sunday, it just hasn't left me yet) and one of my buddies is friends with this bartender from the Carnival Bar. This guy hooked us up like crazy and does some pretty cool stuff as well so I thought I'd put him up here.

Obama's Race Speech - Boston Globe

This snippet from the Boston Globe pretty much sums up my thoughts:

" BARACK OBAMA could have made a much shorter speech. He could have protected his campaign yesterday by denouncing and rejecting his former pastor, Rev.Jeremiah Wright, as a crank. Then Obama could have rushed on, hoping that someone else's scandal would push his own out of the headlines.

Instead, Obama took the opportunity to engage the question of race in America, starting a bold, uncomfortably honest conversation. He asked Americans to talk openly about the deep wells of anger and resentment over racism, discrimination, and affirmative action. It's a call to break out of the country's racial stalemate and finally reach a new national understanding. "

Montana Tech Football Coach Bob Green

Montana Tech is this small Frontier Conference mining school in Butte. (by small I mean a lot smaller than our really small colleges of Montana State and University of Montana.) This coach Bob Green is a real piece of work though, he belongs in Mississippi or something. --Enjoy!

Obama's Speech on Racism in America

I have admit I had read the following article from Pete Wehner and was in agreement, there was an unfair double standard, racism should be racism, even if it's black racism. However I listened to the whole 35min speech Mitch sent, and I have to agree with Mitch, that was the best speech on racism I've ever heard. I changed my mind, and for that to happen, it has to be powerful stuff. :)
(I put the link to the speech at the bottom of the blog)

'What has Obama heard from Rev. Wright, and When?'
by Pete Wehner

Senator Obama, whose campaign only last year said that he was “proud of his pastor and his church,” is now saying that he wasn’t aware of the angry, reckless, anti-American, and racially divisive comments by Reverend Wright. But that claim stretches credulity. Reverend Wright, after all, is not a stranger who is offering up a presidential-year endorsement. Wright has instead played a pivotal role in Obama’s life — including marrying Barack and Michelle Obama, baptizing their two children, and inspiring the title of Obama’s second book, The Audacity of Hope.

Senator Obama has been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since the early 1990s. Are we supposed to believe that the kind of venom and vivid hatred that we have all seen on display — that God should damn rather than bless America, that this country created AIDS in an effort to foster genocide, that we had 9/11 coming to us, that America is the “U.S. of K.K.K.A.” and that Israel is a terrorist state — is an anomaly for Wright? That the overwhelming majority of his sermons are expositions on the love of Christ and the need to break down the dividing walls between us? That Obama was utterly shocked to see Wright’s words strung together on cable TV? That he has seen a side of Wright in the last week that he never knew existed?

The odds are a good deal better than even that Wright’s hatred is on regular or semi-regular display at the pulpit of Trinity United. The question now becomes: What did Senator Obama hear, and when did he hear it?

Reverend Wright’s toxic comments may help us better understand the remarks by Michelle Obama that she is proud of America for the first time in her adult life only now that her husband is running for president and that she considers America to be a “outright mean” nation.

If someone admires Reverend Wright as much as Michelle Obama seems to — and she has spoken very well of him in the past — then it’s reasonable to assume that they share some common values. People who attend the same church for a quarter century often share key attitudes and outlooks of their minister. That’s not always the case — but it’s more often the case than not. And it is very rare that people who attend a church for more than 25 years hold views that are fundamentally at odds with their pastor.

Senator Obama and some of his supporters have made the plea that he not be made “guilty by association.” What people are asking for is not guilt but responsibility by association — especially an association this long, this deep, this important.

And on the matter of “guilt by association,” here’s a thought experiment. Assume that the spiritual leader and pastor of the church George W. Bush or John McCain attended was, say, a white supremacist or an anti-gay bigot. Do you think that there would be any hesitancy among the press to push the “guilt by association” storyline? I rather doubt it.
Pete Wehner has the rarest of White House jobs. He is paid to read, to think, to prod, to brainstorm -- all without accountability. He recalls the words of White House senior adviser Karl Rove when he interviewed for the job: "He said my job is to bug him." Wehner runs the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives (or the Office of Strategery, as it is known inside the building after a "Saturday Night Live" skit spoofing the president's mangling of the English language).

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tiny Fey's skit on SNL that Tracy Morgan was responding to...

Here was Tina Fey's comments in support of Hillary a couple of weeks ago on the SNL - Update News. Also very FUNNY but I think Tracy Morgan came out ahead. --"Black is the new president, Bitch."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Obama and Transparency

He has just released the list of all the earmarks he has requested over the past 2 years. People will scour these and try and find connections to bad donors, etc. I'm sure some (or most) are probably ridiculous sums of money for these projects, but this is what you do for the state you represent. I just like that he has released his tax records and these earmarks. Hillary has yet to do either.
Obama's Earmarks

I also think McCain needs to release all his medical records. I know this is pretty personal, but he is pretty old and has had treatment for cancer. Does anyone else feel this stuff should be released?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hillary in Scranton

UPDATE: WOW - This one might even be worse....Hillary Supporters in TX

Hillary and Sinbad

This is so classic. She is claiming that she has the experience to answer that 3AM call based on trips to places like Bosnia. Sinbad, yes that Sinbad, who accompanied her on that trip unloads on Hillary - Sinbad for President

Money Quote:
In her Iowa stump speech, Clinton also said, "We used to say in the White House that if a place is too dangerous, too small or too poor, send the First Lady."

Say what? As Sinbad put it: "What kind of president would say, 'Hey, man, I can't go 'cause I might get shot so I'm going to send my wife...oh, and take a guitar player and a comedian with you.'"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Haven't had the chance to read it yet

Murphy vs. Moreno

On the ESPN main page which can't be good for the school. I figured someone else might have time to read it and fill me in. Hamilton I'm waiting for more cliff notes on the book too. Where you at?

SNL -- Hillary Experience Spoof

Remember Mitch, this is "Comedy Skit Work" --just a joke.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The truth hurts

I know I am absolutely biased against the Clintons, but their hypocrisy knows no bounds. The latest incident is a situation where an Obama volunteer-adviser made an off the record comment to a Scottish reporter calling Hillary a monster. Hillary is crying foul and has people accusing Obama of dirty politics.

For the Clinton campaign to compare that to a member of her campaign making derogatory statements during a campaign stop is ridiculous. She convened a conference call to get others to speak out and condemn Obama and try and insulate her from the perception of dirty politics.

Getting others to do your hatchet work is shadier and more deplorable than just coming out and taking a stand. The Clinton ideology of win at all costs and deceive, deny and deflect is what is wrong with our politicians. If she pulls a rabbit out of the hat and wins this primary, I think it will shake a lot of people's faith in our political process.

Here is an article if you are interested.

Obama adviser resigns

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Quote for the Day

From a reader on a blog referring to Hillary's 'foreign relations experience'.

"What exactly has she done to prove she can be commander in chief? I don't want my doctor's wife to be operating on me!"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clinton Campaign Making Obama Blacker


And the Beat Goes On...

Hillary pulled out wins in TX and OH last night so the Clinton ego machine rolls on. I never thought they would actually pull the party apart to win the nomination, but alas I may be wrong.
In a live CNN interview just now, Sen. Clinton repeated, twice, the "Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience, I have a lifetime of experience, Sen. Obama has one speech in 2002" line. By what logic, exactly, does a member of the Democratic party include the "Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience" part of that sentence? And I guess with her nonstop references to 2002 she must be talking about Obama's anti-Iraq war speech, not the 2004 convention speech that actually put him on the map.
I honestly can't believe she keeps saying this. Number one, the GOP is going to run this quote over and over again if Obama is the nominee. Number two, what f%$#in lifetime experience does she have? I think Obama realizes that the Clintons will now do anything to win the nomination, so he is going to have to go a little negative.

Side Note - Rush Limbaugh told his listeners to vote for Hillary so this race will keep on going - looks like his listeners might have actually helped Hillary win in TX...nuts - Rush for Hillary

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Voters and the Hillary 3am Ad

This is pretty funny. Watch this video - especially the end.

Rove on Iraq

Karl Rove points out that even though invading Iraq tripled oil prices, we have to stay there because otherwise oil process will double.

It's the Oil Stupid

Monday, March 3, 2008

Obama on Education

Unscripted in Beaumont, TX Obama talks about education. It is nice to hear not only problems with No Child Left Behind, but more importantly (about 3 minutes in) he puts the onus on parents to actually do a their job at home...the next couple minutes of him off script are great.

SNL Skit - Ohio Debate Spoof

Another funny SNL Debate #2 (Ohio) skit from last weekend. Hillary made a live appearance afterward to appear human, actually she was kind of funny, but I still am not very fond of her in a hateful kind of way. :)

And Hillary's Live Appearance

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Obama - Might Appoint Republicans to His Cabinet

I think this is one of the most appealing aspects of an Obama Presidency. Ask Hillary if she would appoint some Republicans or McCain if he would appoint some Democrats. The country cannot be 'effectively' governed when you have a line drawn between the two sides. Things would still get done, but not easily.

Obama to Consider Republicans for Cabinet

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008

Quote for the Day

Bill Clinton in 2004:
" Now, one of Clinton's laws of politics is this. If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other one is try get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."

I think he secretly wants Obama to win and is sabotaging his wife's run at the Presidency. He probably told her to use that stupid phone ringing at 3am ad (below) because he knew it would backfire.

Good Michelle Obama Story

I actually think Newsweek does a pretty good unbiased reporting job.

Barack’s Rock
She's the one who keeps him real, the one who makes sure running for leader of the free world doesn't go to his head. Michelle's story.

A Particular Mission: Michelle is not part of discussions on policy and ad buys; her role is to keep the candidate's feet on the ground
Newsweek Feb 25, 2008 Issue

Michelle Obama was never much interested in calling attention to herself. As an undergrad at Princeton in the 1980s, she was interested in social change, but didn't run for student government. Instead, she spent her free time running a literacy program for kids from the local neighborhoods. At Harvard Law, she took part in demonstrations demanding more minority students and professors. Yet unlike another more prominent Harvard Law student who would later take up the cause, she was not one to hold forth with high-flown oratory about the need for diversity. "When Barak Obama spoke, people got quiet and listened," recalls Prof. Randall Kennedy. "Michelle had a more modest, quieter, lower profile." Barack won election as president of the Law Review. Michelle put her energy into a less glamorous pursuit: recruiting black undergrads to Harvard Law from other schools. For her, politics wasn't so much about being inspirational as it was being practical—about getting something specific done, says Charles Ogletree, one of her professors. "She was not trying to get ahead."

She no longer has the luxury of keeping a low profile. Now a very public figure, Michelle has accepted the role of aspiring First Lady and the sometimes uncomfortable scrutiny that comes with it. On the campaign trail, she is sometimes slated as the opening act, introducing Barack to the audience. Direct and plain-spoken, with an edgy sense of humor uncommon in a political spouse, she complements her husband's more grandiose style. She can be tough, and even a little steely, an attitude that stems, at least in part, from wanting to live up to the high expectations her father set for her. She wants to change the world, but she also wants to win this thing now that they're so deeply invested. If his loftiness can set him apart from the crowd, her bluntness draws them in. Standing up before large audiences wasn't easy at first. "I've never participated at this level in any of his campaigns," she told NEWSWEEK last week. "I have usually chosen to just appear when necessary."

From the beginning of the campaign, Michelle made it clear to her husband that she would give the effort her all ("We need to be in there now, while we're still fresh and open and fearless and bold," she told Vanity Fair last December), but not at the expense of family life. At two meetings with the candidate and his political aides shortly before he announced his intention to run, she grilled them about particulars, practical concerns that had nothing to do with his sweeping themes of "hope" and "change." What demands would the campaign place on their lives? Where would the money come from? Could they really take on the Clinton machine and win, or was this just an extended ego trip? "She didn't want Barack to launch some kind of empty effort here," says senior strategist David Axelrod.

Michelle also raised concerns about her husband's safety. It was one of the first questions her own family had asked her when she first aired the possibility of running. He would soon be assigned Secret Service protection very early in the campaign, in response to the huge crowds he was drawing and threatening e-mails. Michelle, who now has a security team of her own, does not like to discuss the possibility of Barack's getting hurt. "We are grateful the Secret Service is a part of it," she told NEWSWEEK last summer. "I'm probably more grateful than Barack, who loves to live a very normal life. This is the first sign that our lives aren't normal."

At the meetings, Axelrod and the other aides addressed each of Michelle's questions. "Suffusing these discussions was, if we did it, she and he both wanted to make sure it was consistent with who he is and what he thinks, and wouldn't distort that," says Axelrod. She has expressed fears that the nastiness of presidential politics could wind up sucking the idealism out of her husband, leaving him just another soulless, cynical Washington pol. "Michelle has always been in the camp of, 'Let's not forget what we're fighting for'," Axelrod says. After the meetings, Michelle gave Barack her blessing.

Texas - Still Bush Country

A tee-shirt worn by a Baylor student in the back of a Huckabee rally:

"Loved By Few

Feared By Many

Respected By All


For Hamilton

Since I know you like the Bomb Iran song

Hillary - Vote for me or Die

Seriously.....I fully expect that if Obama is the nominee ads like this will be run against him by McCain. That is fine to me since you are saying a war veteran and long standing member of the armed services committee 'could' keep you safer, but Hillary. Is she turning into a Republican?

By the way - Since she is now trailing in Texas she is thinking about suing the Texas Democratic Party over their caucus set up Go Away Hillary . The set up does suck and is confusing but to come out a few days before they are set to caucus with the threat of a lawsuit, is just asinine. They tried the same thing in Nevada. Seriously, "If you don't vote for me I am going to take my ball and go home". Grow up!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Can McCain be President?

I have no doubt that McCain should and will be eligible to become President, but it is interesting that we have never seen this argued. I think another interesting thing to watch is who will actually bring this to a court against McCain. I have no doubt it will be some out of left field filing but it will be interesting to see if it is a disgruntled ultraconservative or liberal group that tries to take this to the courts.

Here is an excerpt from the NY Times article by Carl Hulse:

“There are powerful arguments that Senator McCain or anyone else in this position is constitutionally qualified, but there is certainly no precedent,” said Sarah H. Duggin, an associate professor of law at Catholic University who has studied the issue extensively. “It is not a slam-dunk situation.”

Mr. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed. His campaign advisers say they are comfortable that Mr. McCain meets the requirement and note that the question was researched for his first presidential bid in 1999 and reviewed again this time around.

But given mounting interest, the campaign recently asked Theodore B. Olson, a former solicitor general now advising Mr. McCain, to prepare a detailed legal analysis. “I don’t have much doubt about it,” said Mr. Olson, who added, though, that he still needed to finish his research.

I believe that this law was a big reason I failed to live up to my own personal expectations. When, as a young boy, I learned that being born in Switzerland meant I could never be President, I realized all those people that said, "You can be anything you want to be," were full of sh!t. It was all downhill after that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

MLK and Other Fun Drawings by my 6-Year Old

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

I believe that quote is an important one to include here today because I find that quotes can make you sound more fancy and intelligent. They're a great way to align yourself with someone else's brilliance, and all you have to do is copy and paste. It's a sweet little scam, really.

I thought we could help celebrate it by remembering not only Dr. King's work, but my son's own reflections on race in this very special drawing from last month...

If you're having any trouble reading it, it says

I like my Dad.
My Dad is white.

I pretty much had the same reaction as his teacher.
I haven't had time to do an in-depth interview with him, but we did discuss it briefly and I'm happy and relieved to report the two sentences are not dependent on each other.

He wrote sentence 1: Because I'm "nice".

He wrote sentence 2: Because I'm "mostly white, But when he colors me a little apricot."

He then confirmed that these were completely separate thoughts, and that he does not like me BECAUSE I'm mostly white or even a little apricot.

But then as far as the drawing goes, he says it's not even of me, it's of him looking at a boat. Which is bullshit, given that I was the star of both sentences.

It's fine, at least I have my new hip-hop name: Li'l Apricot.

On to drawing 2...

Well I don't know really what else to say. Obviously his teacher took the easy road out. If I've ever seen a drawing that deserved a WOW --this is it !!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Kimmel vs. Damon

If you have not seen the videos (they are a bit long) between Jimmy Kimmel's girlfriend Sarah Silverman - I'm F**king Matt Damon - and then the most recent one from Kimmel back to Silverman - I'm F**king Ben Affleck - worth a good laugh.

I'm F**king Matt Damon Video
I'm F**king Ben Affleck

...I think Jimmy Kimmel wins on star power alone.

SNL - Texas Debate Spoof -- Obama v. Clinton

If you didn't catch Saturday Night Live this weekend, a pretty funny upcoming Texas debate spoof. I like Hillary's "...actually it was my lifelong dream to lose Maryland to Sen. Obama."

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shame on You HRC

I saw this press conference from HRC today regarding some campaign fliers the Obama campaign is using in Ohio and it is the typical Clinton attack. I feel like this is a re-run of 1992-2000 and I hope Democrats are smart enough to see through the smoke screen the Clintons create when they are backed into a corner. It was very easy to blame the media for a "vast Right-wing conspiracy" whenever she and Bill were questioned about their policies or actions, but I didn't think she could use the same defense within her own party. It is an arrogance that is incomprehensible to me and I am constantly baffled by those that still believe her.

She attacks Obama for disagreeing with her platform of universal health care. They have a fundamental difference in what they believe is the right way to handle health care and Obama has sent out fliers outlining the differences and Clinton thinks this is below the belt. You're right Hillary how dare someone talk about an issue and why they disagree with you. How divisive of Obama to disagree with the great and powerful Clinton on policy. It is truly a low blow to put that disagreement into a logical format and share it with the public. She cannot defend her policy so she attacks the messenger.

She compares Obama disagreeing with universal health care to Karl Rove and the Bush campaigns of 2000 and 2004. I don't see the correlation and frankly it is the desperate act of a desperate campaign. The part that scares me is that she does this 3 days before the vote so that people will hear over and over again her comparing Obama and Rove, it has worked for the Clintons in the past to make these broad accusations that are baseless but make a great sound bite. They switch the issue from a focus on issues to a focus on why they are persecuted to garner a sympathy vote. Here's hoping the voters in Texas and Ohio are as tired of this tactic as I am.

UPDATE: Obama Responds - The Response

Friday, February 22, 2008

Discussion Topic #1 - Foreign Travel/Immigration

We haven't had a real good discussion in while so I am going start a few.

There was some crazy stat out there that said only around 5% (I think) of US citizens have a passport. Here are my questions
1. Where have you traveled in the world and has this made a difference in how you look at the world? I have been to Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica twice, Scotland, Ireland, and New Zealand. I can honestly say that going to other countries and talking with the locals really has broaden my mind to how the world as a whole functions. That how our policies really do effect the entire world - and it does matter. Everyone I have met from the hotel owners in Costa Rica to our Irish B&B owner in Derry to teh kiwis in New Zealand all really do say that the image of the US has taken a huge hit over the past 7 years. This may not matter to some people, but it does matter to me.

2. Immigration - This could be a very lengthy discussion, but in as short a synopsis as you can give, where do you stand? My feeling is that there are currently (who knows really) around 15 million illegals in the US now. Because of 25+ years of failures these people have made it to the US and some have been working for 10,15,20 years. I say you accept that they have 'made it', ask them to come forward without the risk of being deported, have them pay a fine and back taxes if they need to and make them US citizens. I really don't know what other realistic option we have. There is no way to gather them all up and deport them - we can't pay for our police forces as is and the national guard is in Iraq. We can't put them all in jail. What do we do?

You Can't Manufacture Grass Roots Charisma

This little video is titled Hillary4U&Me
Here is the counter 'the people are behind us' video from Hillary's camp.

They actually put this out. This is now the laughing stock of online
campaign videos. --Thank God America can see through this manufactured candidate.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Huckabee Won't Go Silently Into the Night

Pretty tough talk towards the GOP

Monday, February 18, 2008

Top Power Forward Visits ASU

This kid - Renardo Sidney - visited ASU on Saturday. Even though we lost the game it sounds like it was a good visit and to see us high on his list is a good sign.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Arizona last call

Bill Simmons wrote about last call at the Super Bowl in his most recent mail bag article. Simmons Article

Here is his quote and my response:

Here was my biggest issue: Last call in Arizona is 1:45 a.m., with bars "closing" for good at 2 a.m. and kicking people out a few minutes later. When you're bidding God knows how much money for a Super Bowl, couldn't you bend the rules and extend last call to 4 or 5 a.m. for four days? Isn't the host city trying to show everyone a good time? What's fun about turning in at 2 a.m., especially when it takes 25-30 minutes to go from Point A to Point B? Assuming you have a 7:30 p.m. dinner, and you're heading out to parties starting at 9:30-10, that's not a lot of time to "party," right? If Barack Obama is reading this, I hope he adds the following idea to his increasingly spectacular presidential campaign: Every Super Bowl city is required to extend last call to at least 4 a.m. YES, WE CAN!

I went to college at ASU and during the early 90's and last call was 12:45 with a 1 am closing. I believe it was a factor in ASU being one of the best party schools year in year out. We were forced to skip dinner altogether consume huge amounts of beer between 6-12 pm and then find a liquor store and a location to continue festivities.

I also think skipping one meal a day accounts for all the amazing bodies you see anywhere near campus. When food becomes more important than drink it is time to graduate and get a real job (most likely outside the state). The 2 am concession was added for the first Super Bowl held in AZ in 1996 and ASU hasn't been named #1 party school since. It allowed the less committed partiers to be able to survive and get their dinners, destroyin the weeding out process of drinking on an empty stomach with only a few happy hour wings to help absorb the alcohol.

2 am, better for corporate honchos and middle aged sportswriters, bad for an American institution and a history of drunkenness.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

ASU Recruits Reaction to Stoops' Comments

I love that these kids already hate the UofA. By the way, the one recruit has a 1490 SAT...pretty impressive. Stoops Digging a Deeper Hole

Monday, February 11, 2008

Great Book -- Check it out

I just read this book on the advice of last week's Newsweek. It was great however a little disturbing. Surprising what a tangled web of farm subsidies, food surplus, and corporate research and development contribute to what we now eat.

What should we have for dinner? The question has confronted us since man discovered fire, but according to Michael Pollan, the bestselling author of The Botany of Desire, how we answer it today, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, may well determine our very survival as a species. Should we eat a fast-food hamburger? Something organic? Or perhaps something we hunt, gather, or grow ourselves? The omnivore’s dilemma has returned with a vengeance, as the cornucopia of the modern American supermarket and fast-food outlet confronts us with a bewildering and treacherous food landscape. What’s at stake in our eating choices is not only our own and our children’s health, but the health of the environment that sustains life on earth.

In this groundbreaking book, one of America’s most fascinating, original, and elegant writers turns his own omnivorous mind to the seemingly straightforward question of what we should have for dinner.
To find out, Pollan follows each of the food chains that sustain us—industrial food, organic or alternative food, and food we forage ourselves—from the source to a final meal, and in the process develops a definitive account of the American way of eating. His absorbing narrative takes us from Iowa cornfields to food-science laboratories, from feedlots and fast-food restaurants to organic farms and hunting grounds, always emphasizing our dynamic coevolutionary relationship with the handful of plant and animal species we depend on. Each time Pollan sits down to a meal, he deploys his unique blend of personal and investigative journalism to trace the origins of everything consumed, revealing what we unwittingly ingest and explaining how our taste for particular foods and flavors reflects our evolutionary inheritance.

The surprising answers Pollan offers to the simple question posed by this book have profound political, economic, psychological, and even moral implications for all of us. Beautifully written and thrillingly argued, The Omnivore’s Dilemma promises to change the way we think about the politics and pleasure of eating. For anyone who reads it, dinner will never again look, or taste, quite the same.