Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obama Defends Kind Words for McCain

One of the main reasons why i Like him:

"I know that conventional, text book politics means that unless you completely demonize the other side then you are showing weakness. I don’t believe that. I think Senator Clinton’s suggesting that she and John McCain are the two people who are qualified to be commander-in-chief is probably something that could end up coming back to haunt us in November.

I think to say that John McCain and some of his instincts may be better than George Bush’s, that’s a low bar. And what I also said in the same breath was that his ideas, what he’s offering are warmed over versions of Bush foreign policy and economic policy. So there’s no contradiction there. You know, but I’ve said repeatedly that I think john McCain is a genuine hero and a decent person. I just think he’s got it wrong in terms of where we need to take the country.:

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