Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Homeless Pike's

I know we are without a home at ASU anymore but it doesn't look like the membership is suffering too badly. I'm sure that was the line here, "I have no home and just need a nice soft place to sleep for the night."

Huge Praise for Harden

Just read the lead for Andy Katz's article on players declaring for the NBA draft and I am surprised at how much Love he gives Harden and ASU. Here is the quote and a link to the Article: Andy Katz Article

Don't sweat it, college hoops fans. Even if every one of the early entrants who filed their paperwork for the NBA draft by Sunday's deadline stays in the draft, next season's potential first team All-Americans are safe.

Forget about the June 16 deadline to withdraw from the NBA draft. The announcements that the following five players are all returning mean that the All-American first team can be penciled in now: forward Tyler Hansbrough (North Carolina), the consensus winner of the national player of the year, forward Blake Griffin (Oklahoma), and guards Darren Collison (UCLA), James Harden (Arizona State) and Stephen Curry (Davidson) .

and Let the Games Begin...

Just got my new 2008 Presidential Package:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obama Defends Kind Words for McCain

One of the main reasons why i Like him:

"I know that conventional, text book politics means that unless you completely demonize the other side then you are showing weakness. I don’t believe that. I think Senator Clinton’s suggesting that she and John McCain are the two people who are qualified to be commander-in-chief is probably something that could end up coming back to haunt us in November.

I think to say that John McCain and some of his instincts may be better than George Bush’s, that’s a low bar. And what I also said in the same breath was that his ideas, what he’s offering are warmed over versions of Bush foreign policy and economic policy. So there’s no contradiction there. You know, but I’ve said repeatedly that I think john McCain is a genuine hero and a decent person. I just think he’s got it wrong in terms of where we need to take the country.:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To Bosnia and Back - Movie Trailer

This is great:

Springsteen for Obama

Money Quote:
Like most of you, I've been following the campaign and I have now seen and heard enough to know where I stand. Senator Obama, in my view, is head and shoulders above the rest.
He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "... nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."

Link - the boss endorsement

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SNL -- Presidential Canidates Grill General Petraeus

This is pretty funny, especially when Obama starts grilling the General at the end on why he doesn't like Hillary or McCain's books.

Stephen Colbert on Larry King

Discussing all the candidates -


She's tenacious. That is what she brings to the fight, an unlikeableness..... She knows that this person, the president, whoever it is, is going to face tough challenges, and she's shown that you could actually lop off her head, arms, and legs and she'll crawl toward you using the muscles in her belly button.


He's an inspiring candidate. And he's got the young people out there just eating out of the palm of his hand. He's passing his hope bong around the drum circle of young America. [His what?] His hope bong, Larry. He's inviting people to take deep tokes off of his bong packed with hope.


He was there for Noah's flood, had to cling on. That's how he got started in the Navy, was clinging on to the side of the Ark. He's old. He's old, Larry. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Not as old as you are but very, very old.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Erickson Spring practice quotes

On the fight that broke out between Jonathan English and Shaun Lauvao:
“Those guys couldn’t hurt each other. Occasionally that bothers me. It wasn’t real vicious. I wish it would be a little more vicious. I thought about making them run afterwards, but give me a fight before I do that. It was like it was almost planned - like 'we gotta do something'. That's about how exciting it was for me. I almost fell asleep."

Asked if Kerry taylor suffered a concussion in practice:
“Oh did he. Did you see that hit? He had a little concussion so he’ll be OK. He was practicing out there in an orange jersey… there was some hitting out there. I see guys wearing orange jerseys out there because of concussions, and I ask ‘who gave it to them?’ I don’t care about the guys (in the orange jersey) (smile); I wanna know who gave them. I want to know who those guys are."

On whether Keegan Herring is feeling better:
“Yes he is. He could have went Saturday and I said ‘why?’ That guy doesn’t have to go. Then I almost got in a fist fight with him and I would have lost that"

Daily Show - Dick Move of the Week

Obama wins the first Dick move of the week.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Video of the Day

The incredible human mind:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Morning Quote

Gen. Petraeus to Senator Dodd yesterday:
"Every Iraqi is allowed an AK-47 in his house, by law."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

ASU under Lisa Love

Great article - Love a great hire

..stickers continued

...more Campaign Stickers for 2008

Rice and Obama

There has been talk (most of which I find to not be true) that Condi Rice is gearing up for a VP run. Here is an interesting dialogue between Condi and Obama in 2005. I can agree with some of Rice's statements, but I also fine Obama's reasoning to be more sound. It is good to see his judgement has remained consistent.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spike Lee - Quote of the day

What do you think of Obama?
I’m riding my man Obama. I think he’s a visionary. Actually, Barack told me the first date he took Michelle to was Do the Right Thing. I said, “Thank God I made it. Otherwise you would have taken her to Soul Man. Michelle would have been like, ‘What’s wrong with this brother?’ ”

Does this mean you’re down on the Clintons?
The Clintons, man, they would lie on a stack of Bibles. Snipers? That’s not misspeaking; that’s some pure bulls***. I voted for Clinton twice, but that’s over with. These old black politicians say, “Ooh, Massuh Clinton was good to us, massuh hired a lot of us, massuh was good!” Hoo! Charlie Rangel, David Dinkins—they have to understand this is a new day. People ain’t feelin’ that stuff. It’s like a tide, and the people who get in the way are just gonna get swept out into the ocean.

Spring Scrimmage

So I decided to skip the UCLA/Memphis game, and take i a little ASU football. Good decision considering the outcome of the drumming UCLA took. Anyway, the team looked good, not great but o.k. Some things that stood out;
Dewitty looked fantastic, the line was not blowing anyone off the ball, yet Dewitty ran like a man possessed.
Carpenter was sharp, still staring down receiver.
Magaha dropped a couple, but caught a TD on a beautiful fade route pass Bolden.
Some solid hits by the D, they looked fast and got to the QBs on a few occasions.

Just some notes from a drunk observer.

Will take better notes during the spring game in a couple of weeks

Go Devils!
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Friday, April 4, 2008

Quick News and Notes

ASU Spring Practice Notes - Erickon on the spring workouts
For Coulter - ASU Journalism School Awards
ASU MBA now ranked #22 in Country, only behind Stanford, Berkley, UCLA and USC in the Wst - US NEWS Rankings
Friday Night Lights will be back in the fall - Nice
Big Oregon news, experts find fossilized shit to date earliest humans on continent - Our shit is the oldest!

John McCain's Latest Ad

OK - this ad is just strange to me for many reasons. The first is the headless rock star as a 'hero'. C'mon, is this his appeal to the young voters? The second is the whole honor code story. I know most of us did not go to prep schools with honor codes and the GOP usually goes after those people as the elite. Whatever, the whole add is just odd - thoughts?
Meet the old guy, same as the new guy

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Idiot Quote of the Day

"[Y]ou have to understand the mindset of a lot of these feminists and women. They think they're owed this — just like Obama supporters think they're owed this. These women have paid their dues. They've been married two or three times; they've had two or three abortions; they've done everything that feminism asked them to do. They have cut men out of their lives; they have devoted themselves to causes and careers. And this — the candidacy of Hillary Clinton — is the culmination of all of these women's efforts. And if it gets stolen from them [by] a rookie, radical black guy who can't tell the time of day, they are going to be so miffed," - Rush Limbaugh.