Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Concern with Obama

I haven't been doing a great job of keeping current recently so I figured instead of posting some logical meaningful researched piece of information, I'll just throw a little editorial commentary in to stir the pot.

I consider myself a disenfranchised Republican and am undecided in how I will vote in November. I am disappointed in the direction the Republicans have gone over the past 8-10 years. It is a party that is increasingly pandering to the rich and the extremists. I can't stand the way the leaders have created political issues to drive votes their way and all but ignored addressing the issues that are truly impacting "average" Americans.

All of that being said the fact that Obama has never had an individual meeting with General Petraeus to determine if his plan for Iraq is the best direction for us to go, disturbs me greatly. I am sure he has met with some very good military advisers but to be running with a message that has ending the Iraq war front-and-center without meeting with the people running the war makes little sense to me.

I take it to mean one of two things and neither of them work for me:

1. Obama has predetermined the path he is going to take regardless of the facts at the time he is elected. He is convinced withdrawing is the correct path just as GWB was convinced removing Saddam was the right path and we are looking at a dramatic over correction fraught with just as many potholes in the coming four years.

2. If he intends to be open once he is elected then his promise to end the war is a hollow campaign promise meant to take advantage of the large number of people that the polls show oppose the war.

We are talking about one of the most critical issues of our lifetime and he hasn't met with the people that have the most current and detailed information. It makes me nervous. You???


Mitch said...
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Mitch said...

That is a concern, and a legitimate one. I was glad to hear that Obama would consider keeping Sec. Gates on as Def. Secretary. I think he has been a fairly honest broker in the otherwise debacle that is the Bush administration.



I think it would be wise for Obama to chat with Petraeus now and also have an in depth meeting with Gates, which I think could be just as insightful.

I honestly don't know why he has not talked to Petraeus yet, but I'm sure the general does not want every Senator calling him and asking him questions, etc. His Commander in Chief is Bush. Obama knows Bush's plan for Iraq, so I don't see what Petraeus would say that would be different - true or not? I think this is why a sit down with Gates might be more beneficial.

I have a feeling Obama is going to piss off some liberals/far left with his cabinet appointments, etc., but I think it will also be good to have GOP and Democrats working together in an administration.