Thursday, June 19, 2008

Iraq War for Oil

There is an article out today that says four western oil companies (Shell, Exxon, Total and BP) are about to sign no bid contracts to start extracting oil in Iraq. The no bid contracts are rare in cases of oil extraction/drilling - seems to me that the Iraqis had no choice. The conquerers get the spoils, right?

NY Times Article

I'm not saying that oil was the main reason we invaded Iraq (Bush and the neocons legacy was the main reason), but this looks horrible to the Arab region and many other countries such as China and Russia. Oh well, maybe we can stay at $4/gallon and watch the big oils profits rise even more. Time to buy stock in them!

To quote Bush from 2000:
"What I think the president ought to do [when gas prices spike] is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots…And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price."

How is that working out for you Bush - came into office with $25/barrel prices and now they are around $130/barrel.


HamsterB said...

Hell ya. We should have had oil tankers hooked up to those wells for the last six years.

I think at this point America WOULD back the war IF we said it was just about oil.

Mitch said...

But then how do you explain to the thousands of soldiers that are wounded and the families of those who died that this was all about oil...which at the time of the invasion was actually at $25/barrel.

Easier to defend if oil was at $130/barrel then and was now going down. Exxon, BP, etc. have seen record profits over the past four years and whose to say that even if they start working the wells in Iraq that the prices will actually come down.

HamsterB said...

That's what I'm saying. Get a line of oil tankers lined up on the Iraq coast and ship it all back to America. Drop the price of oil and all will be forgiven.

America will back a war to take over an OPEC country and steal it's oil, or at least Montana will. :)

Mitch said...

But will the oil companies lower the price of oil, which in turn lowers the price of gas in the US? I think they pull the oil out and still sell it for a huge profit to us. You almost need to say - "You get a no bid contract to get this oil, but here is the price we want to see you charge us back in the states"..........but that will never happen in the no bid "open markets' philosophy of the GOP. :)

HamsterB said...

Bush has a lot of friends who have to recoup their Enron losses. They aren't going to be able to do that by charging "Fair Market Price". --anything left over will trickle down to us. --I don't see what's so hard to understand here.

Mitch said...

Ahhh yes - the 'trickle down' theory. Always a crowd pleaser w/ Republicans.