Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

The General Election

Well, assuming everything plays out as it looks like it will and it is Obama vs. McCain - what are everybody's thoughts on the match up?

It seems that they have been trading shots this week about the new GI Bill, foreign policy, etc. I think it will be a pretty combative race, at least that is how it is starting out. So let's spend some time breaking down the issues.

The McCain Plan
OK - maybe you can help me here, but there really is not much in terms of detailed policy on that page. It is a very high level look at the education system in general. I assume he supports No Child Left Behind as it is and is very passionate about allowing students to transfer to schools that are achieving higher test scores...I think.

Obama - The Obama Plan
Obama's plan is obviously a lot more detailed, so some key points I like. Again, he will need to define how he will pay for them, but at least he is offering ideas.
* Reform NCLB - I think the lack of funding is one of the biggest problems with NCLB. It has to be addressed. No idea how we will pay for the additional funding, but it was rolled out without thinking long term and now we are forced to deal with it or scrap it all together.
* Afterschool and Summer programs - I think these work great in areas of lower income families. I saw how after school programs worked where I grew up and I think that summer programs to bring students up to speed or give them a head start are nice ideas.
* Teacher Ideas - Coulter, I'm sure Lisa can address some of these ideas better than I can. Would love to hear her thoughts.
* Higher Education - Tax credit and simplified financial aid seem simple enough to me. Don't know about making JC tuition free for most students - seems like that would cost a fortune.

I hope they discuss all these issues as the race continues. I find the lack of any real details on McCain's website interesting.


Quote for the Day

From Hillary Clinton:
My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it."


Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Post

I know I have been neglecting the blog - but fear not, a couple new posts are on the way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

Iraq is going great - build an amusement park!

I shit you not. This has to be the most amazing story that is getting NO attention over the past few weeks. They are building a massive amusement park in the green zone. A $1M skate park (shipping 200,000 free skateboards to Iraqi children), rebuilding the zoo, a concert theatre and museum. Seriously??!! Let's give the Iraqis some clean water, maybe consistent electricity, etc before bringing - Its a small world to Baghdad. The groups like Al Qaeda hate the west for living with excesses like amusements parks, so I am sure this will go over real well in the heart of the middle east.

Here is a link to the story on a blog, with multiple links to learn more in the blog posting.
It's a bomb world after all

Here is the original story written about this project - Baghdad Amusement Park

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Images of the Day

These pics were taken of the volcano that is erupting in Chile. These night shots are crazy - More Pics Here

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Meanwhile - In Obama's Spare Time

Crazy that this does not get 'some' publicity......more Reverend Wright!
Obama and Niger Delta Ceasefire

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Hanks Endorsement

Actually pretty good...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008