Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Race Speech - Boston Globe

This snippet from the Boston Globe pretty much sums up my thoughts:

" BARACK OBAMA could have made a much shorter speech. He could have protected his campaign yesterday by denouncing and rejecting his former pastor, Rev.Jeremiah Wright, as a crank. Then Obama could have rushed on, hoping that someone else's scandal would push his own out of the headlines.

Instead, Obama took the opportunity to engage the question of race in America, starting a bold, uncomfortably honest conversation. He asked Americans to talk openly about the deep wells of anger and resentment over racism, discrimination, and affirmative action. It's a call to break out of the country's racial stalemate and finally reach a new national understanding. "


HamsterB said...

Who are you trying to kid --No single post "Sums up your thoughts on this manner" -- Ha Ha

Mitch said...

Are you saying I might have more opinions on the matter?