Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Carville missed on this one

I read Carville's remarks comparing Bill Richardson to Judas and have to wonder if he is the one who is secretly working for Obama. Richardson's endorsement was interesting but I think the majority didn't see it as that big of deal. It would have run the news cycle and been forgotten unless you were in New Mexico. Carville's decision to compare him to one of the worst people in the world's history now gives the story legs and it stays in the headlines for a few more days.

Without Carville's remarks Richardson doesn't garner the amount of face time with the national media that he is getting. It will also be interesting to see long term if this is a case of typical politics by Obama. If he chooses Richardson as a running mate, it will be pretty transparent what type of backroom deal was struck. You have to wonder if Richardson invited Bill Clinton to his Super Bowl party in order to give the Clinton's the same opportunity to buy his endorsement with some type of deal.

Here is Richardson getting some face time on MSNBC to explain his position and answer the Judas comparison. It is a long clip but I think the best line comes from Chris Mathews at the end when he says, we need to stop looking at this through the eyes of the Clintons, like we have done for the past 20 years and look at it in terms of what it means to us.


agray said...

Coulter, you need to get some sleep. Posting at 4am can't be very healthy.
I am always a little confused when people refer to a "traitor" as Judas. I am by no means a religious scholar, hell I'm not sure if I even know Christianity all that well.
However, if Judas had not given Jesus to the Romans where would Christians be? The way I see it Judas was the most important Apostile. He did what Jesus told him to do, in order to fullfill the prophecy. By some accounts Judas was the only one Jesus could trust, for without the crucifixtion how could the "true son of God" die for our sins. Also, w/o his death he could not rise, and didn't most of us celebrate that this past Sunday?
Again I don't know much, but being called Judas dosen't seem like such a bad thing.
Again I don't know much incl. how to spell check, sorry!

Mitch said...

Wow - good analysis of Christianity there Alex. :)

I tend to disagree a bit with Coulter. I think this endorsement would have legs regardless of Carville. The Clintons have been working Richardson hard for an endorsement, and I think they were all very upset when he chose Obama.

To me it is a big deal because this is the first 'Clinton' insider who has really broke away and endorsed Obama. They have managed to hold onto all the others. I think they really believe that Richardson owed them, so regardless of who he really supports in his heart, loyalty is more important. I also think that this endorsement came after the Pastor Wright issue and was a sign to other Superdelegates that Obama can bounce back.

Side note - Richardson is also smeone who seeks out opportunity for himself. Since Obama is in the lead right now, he could just be playing his cards for a cabinet position in an Obama presidency.

HamsterB said...

"...be careful the man preaching Heaven and Hell, he usually has something useless to sell. You ask me if I'm saved, I say what's it to ya, Hallelujah."
--Leonard Cohen 'Hallelujah'


Coulter said...

When you fall asleep at 9pm 4 am doesn't seem all that early. LOL.

I hear you on the Judas comparison but the reality is most people revile Judas. The only other comparable traitors name I could think of would be Benedict Arnold in this country. So the metaphor may be a bad one but the sharpness of the criticism is obviously pretty severe.

Mitch, from an insiders perspective Richardson defecting to Obama was significant but, in my opinion, he has less name political clout in the general public. I am basing that on nothing more than personal perspective.

It was a great change of topic for Obama and came at a critical time. I just think Carville's comments assisted in switching the focus because even with the great speech Obama gave, I saw an online poll where over 50% of respondents didn't think it was effective. This quiets that criticism.

HamsterB said...

Benedict Arnold, Judas, even all of the residents in Dante's Inferno, i.e. the lowest circles of Hell which are reserved for traitors -- these are all amatures in the world of treason compared to:

--you know him all to well. He looks like Jesus, acts like Judas, and throws like Mary

--Johnny Damon

agray said...

Richardson is a huge pick-up for Obama, I believe, because it shows his pull. Deal for high level position (VP) or not.
It does remind me of somthing I heard either Mencia or George Lopez say a little while back.
In refernce to having a black man or a women as president and the worry of either one being assasinated. "If you want to keep a black man or women safe as President, pick a Mexican as your Vice."
Not a direct quote and I'm sure I ruined the humor, it was funny when I heard it.

agray said...

Please don't take my first comment as anything more than a fly-by observation.
Thank You
Alexander Scott Gray
Ordained Member of the Clergy of the Church of Spiritual Humanism