Friday, February 29, 2008

Hillary - Vote for me or Die

Seriously.....I fully expect that if Obama is the nominee ads like this will be run against him by McCain. That is fine to me since you are saying a war veteran and long standing member of the armed services committee 'could' keep you safer, but Hillary. Is she turning into a Republican?

By the way - Since she is now trailing in Texas she is thinking about suing the Texas Democratic Party over their caucus set up Go Away Hillary . The set up does suck and is confusing but to come out a few days before they are set to caucus with the threat of a lawsuit, is just asinine. They tried the same thing in Nevada. Seriously, "If you don't vote for me I am going to take my ball and go home". Grow up!

1 comment:

Coulter said...

Two more reasons not to like her. I just hope the Ohio voters come to their senses and put a fork in her altogether.