Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards

Admits today that he had an affair. He knew this, and repeatedly denied it during the primary. Really?? Did you think this would not come out during the general if you were the nominee? The Democrats dodged a bullet with this one.

By the way - you are a real class act Edwards. Your wife is dying of cancer and you are having an affair. Nice....

McCain Article

Interesting, albeit a bit long, piece on McCain from a reporter who has covered him for 20 years.

McCain in AZ

Thursday, August 7, 2008

McCain - Dazed and Confused

Actually somewhat painful to watch. Him waiting for the audience to laugh/clap/etc is the worse.

Affirmative Action

Fascinating take on affirmative action:

"McCain could dismiss W. as a lightweight, but he knows Obama’s smart. Obama wrote his own books, while McCain’s were written by Salter. McCain knows he’s the affirmative action scion of admirals who might not have gotten through Annapolis without being a legacy. Obama didn’t even tell Harvard Law School that he was black on his application."

It was written by Maureen Dowd, so take it for what it is.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today In Iraq

Iraqi government expected to have $79 Billion Dollar Surplus. Why Don't We Leave?

Key Quote:
This report is going to make a lot of American families very angry. The record gas prices they are paying have turned into an economic windfall for Iraq. But the Iraqi government isn’t spending the money on rebuilding. American taxpayers are paying that bill too. This doesn’t make any sense, and the Bush Administration never should have let this happen.
Republicans - You can have Lieberman (and I hope he is your VP pick)

Key Quote:
LIEBERMAN: That’s why Senator Graham and I are introducing a resolution recognizing the strategic success that the surge has achieved in a central front — the central front of the war on terror against the enemies who attacked America on 9/11/01, and expressing our thanks to our troops who’ve made that success possible.

REALLY?!! - Iraq attackd us on 9/11? Crazy..
On a side not Iraq note....Romney better practice his McCain history if he wants to be Veep

WOLF BLITZER: Can you cite one legislative accomplishment that Senator McCain produced during those 26 years in Washington in order to achieve energy independence?
GOVERNOR ROMNEY: Well, I'm not a historian that goes through all of the pieces of legislation John McCain has worked on.

....he just asked for one Mitt