Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Two Corey's

Corey & Corey
by wutwutinthebutt

Keeping with my theme of posting information that is not well researched or thought out...

I bring you a video from "The Two Corey's" (I have no idea what channel is broadcasting but I need to find out ASAP). Feldman and Haim are epic figures in our pop culture history both for their unexplainable popularity in the 80's and their totally predictable flame out since that time.

This may just be Tivo material based on this clip. It appears the mandatory Corey rule still applies, Feldman just wasn't likable without Haim on "Surreal Life."

My Concern with Obama

I haven't been doing a great job of keeping current recently so I figured instead of posting some logical meaningful researched piece of information, I'll just throw a little editorial commentary in to stir the pot.

I consider myself a disenfranchised Republican and am undecided in how I will vote in November. I am disappointed in the direction the Republicans have gone over the past 8-10 years. It is a party that is increasingly pandering to the rich and the extremists. I can't stand the way the leaders have created political issues to drive votes their way and all but ignored addressing the issues that are truly impacting "average" Americans.

All of that being said the fact that Obama has never had an individual meeting with General Petraeus to determine if his plan for Iraq is the best direction for us to go, disturbs me greatly. I am sure he has met with some very good military advisers but to be running with a message that has ending the Iraq war front-and-center without meeting with the people running the war makes little sense to me.

I take it to mean one of two things and neither of them work for me:

1. Obama has predetermined the path he is going to take regardless of the facts at the time he is elected. He is convinced withdrawing is the correct path just as GWB was convinced removing Saddam was the right path and we are looking at a dramatic over correction fraught with just as many potholes in the coming four years.

2. If he intends to be open once he is elected then his promise to end the war is a hollow campaign promise meant to take advantage of the large number of people that the polls show oppose the war.

We are talking about one of the most critical issues of our lifetime and he hasn't met with the people that have the most current and detailed information. It makes me nervous. You???

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Group of High School Girls Make Pregnancy Pact...

Check this out. A group of high school girls decided to all get pregnant together so they could all raise their kids together. Something like 17 pregnancies. One girl couldn't get laid so she had some homeless guy knock her

click the link the below to watch the video

If Obama Wins...

Iraq War for Oil

There is an article out today that says four western oil companies (Shell, Exxon, Total and BP) are about to sign no bid contracts to start extracting oil in Iraq. The no bid contracts are rare in cases of oil extraction/drilling - seems to me that the Iraqis had no choice. The conquerers get the spoils, right?

NY Times Article

I'm not saying that oil was the main reason we invaded Iraq (Bush and the neocons legacy was the main reason), but this looks horrible to the Arab region and many other countries such as China and Russia. Oh well, maybe we can stay at $4/gallon and watch the big oils profits rise even more. Time to buy stock in them!

To quote Bush from 2000:
"What I think the president ought to do [when gas prices spike] is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots…And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price."

How is that working out for you Bush - came into office with $25/barrel prices and now they are around $130/barrel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

McCain - Steals Obama's Logo and Slogan

OK - It is the start of the general election. I would think that McCain would come up with something original to run on....but alas, no. He has come out with the slogan 'A Leader We Can Believe In', which is eerily similar to Obama's 'Change We Can Believe In'. Maybe he is trying to go directly against Obama, but basically copying the slogan seems a bit much.

He also just changed his home page graphics to that of sun rays on the horizon...again, a close take off of Obama's logo. You be the judges.